Current Affairs 2 September 2020 – IAS Current Affairs
Current Affairs 2 September 2020 focuses on Prelims-Mains perspective. Major events are :
- Mission Karmayogi
- India-Finland Geology and Mineral Resources cooperation
- Global Innovation Index India Ranked 48
- Food grain allocation for migrants not proper
- Adjusted Gross Revenue
- Loan moratorium is extendable to two years
- Indra 2020 Naval Exercise
- Accidental Deaths, Suicides grew NCRB
Mission Karmayogi
Why in News ?
Mission Karmayogi – National Program for Civil Services Capacity Building will radically improve the Human Resource management practices in the Government.
What is Mission Karmayogi
- It is a capacity building scheme for civil servants aimed at upgrading the post-recruitment training mechanism of the officers and employees at all levels.
- To prepare Civil Servants for the future by making them more creative, constructive & innovative through transparency and technology.
- It will use scale & state of the art infrastructure to augment the capacity of Civil Servants.
- iGOT platform will enable the transition to a role-based HR management & continuous learning.
- The platform will act as a launchpad for the National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB),
- It will enable a comprehensive reform of the capacity building apparatus at the individual, institutional and process levels.
- NPCSCB will be governed by the Prime Minister’s Human Resource Council, which will also include state Chief Ministers, Union Cabinet ministers and experts.
- This council will approve and review civil service capacity building programmes.
- There will be a Cabinet Secretary Coordination Unit comprising of select secretaries and cadre controlling authorities.
- Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), which will govern the iGOT-Karmayogi platform set up under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013.
- An appropriate monitoring and evaluation framework will also be put in place for performance evaluation
- Capacity Building Commission
- Include experts in related fields and global professionals. .
- This commission will prepare and monitor annual capacity building plans and audit human resources available in the government.
- Employees in the government will get an opportunity to improve their performance under the Mission Karmayogi.
- About Funding
- 46 lakh central employees, a sum of Rs 510.86 crore will be spent over a period of 5 years from 2020-21 to 2024-25.
- The expenditure is partly funded by multilateral assistance to the tune of $50 million.
- It will use state-of-the-art infrastructure to provide the capacity of civil servants.
Source : PIB
GS II : Role of civil services in a democracy
India-Finland Geology and Mineral Resources cooperation
Why in News ?
Union Cabinet approved Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in the field of geology and mineral resources between Geological Survey of India and Geological Survey of Finland. India-Finland Geology and Mineral Resources cooperation helps in improving research.
About India-Finland Geology and Mineral Resources cooperation
- Cooperation in the field of geology, training, mineral prognostication and suitability analysis, 3/4D modeling, Seismic and other Geophysical surveys finalised with the intent of reinforcing and strengthening scientific links between the two Organisations.
- Aims to provide with a framework and a platform to promote and foster cooperation in the fields of geology, and mineral resources.
- Share experiences on geological data management and information dissemination to promote exploration and mining, in the areas of geology and mineral resources.
Geological Survey of India
The arrival of Sir Thomas Oldham Geological Survey at Calcutta on 4th March 1851, marked the beginning of the continuous period of the Geological Survey of India.
- The Geological Survey of India is a scientific agency of India founded in 1851 now under the Government of India Ministry of Mines organisation.
- GSI, headquartered at Kolkata, has six Regional offices.
- Aims to provide geological expertise and geoscientific information of all kinds.
- Main functions of GSI relate to creation and updation of national geoscientific information and mineral resource assessment.
- These objectives are achieved through various ground surveys, air-borne and marine surveys, mineral prospecting and investigations, multi-disciplinary geoscientific, geo-technical, geo-environmental and natural hazards studies, glaciology, seismotectonic study, and carrying out fundamental research.
- Actively participate in international collaborative projects to improve our understanding of the earth and its ecosystems.
- Coordinate geoscientific activities with stakeholders in all sectors related to geoscience in order to help sustainably manage our natural resources, including water.
- Explore and scientifically assess mineral, energy and water resources for the country and facilitate their optimal exploration.
Source : PIB
GS II : Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests
Global Innovation Index India Ranked 48
Why in News ?
Global Innovation Index India-48 climbed 4 spots by the World Intellectual Property Organization.
Global Innovation Index India-48
- India has climbed 4 spots and has been ranked 48 by the World Intellectual Property Organization in the Global Innovation Index 2020 rankings.
- Iit comes as an uplifting news for India for its robust R&D Ecosystem.
- India was at the 52nd position in 2019 and was ranked 81st in the year 2015.
- It is a remarkable achievement to be in a league of highly innovative developed nations all over the globe.
- The WIPO had also accepted India as one of the leading innovation achievers of 2019 in the central and southern Asian region.
Implication of improvement in Ranking
- Improvement in the global innovation index rankings in the subsequent year shows that immense knowledge capital, the vibrant startup ecosystem
- Besides the amazing work done by the public & private research organizations.
- The scientific ministries like the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Biotechnology and the Department of space have played a pivotal role national innovation Ecosystem.
- The India Innovation Index, which was released last year by the NITI Aayog, has been widely accepted as the major step in the direction of decentralisation of innovation across all the states of India.
About Global Innovation Index
- Aim of the Global Innovation Index is to provide insightful data on innovation and, in turn, to assist economies in evaluating their innovation performance and making informed innovation policy considerations.
- It is published by Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization, in partnership with other organisations and institution (The index was started in 2007 by INSEAD and World Business British magazine)
- How it calculated
- Computed by taking a simple average of the scores in two sub-indices, the Innovation Input Index and Innovation Output Index, which are composed of five and two pillars respectively.
- Their score is calculated by the weighted average method.
Source : PIB
GS II : Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors
Food grain allocation for migrants not proper
Why in News ?
Only 33 per cent of free food grains and 56 per cent of free gram (whole), allocated for migrants under the Atma-nirbhar Bharat package, have actually reached the intended beneficiaries, shows data available with the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. Food grain allocation for migrants not proper.
What is the issue ?
- Out of 8 lakh tonnes of food grains allocated for the migrants, 6.38 lakh tonnes (80 per cent) was lifted by the states and Union Territories but only 2.64 lakh tonnes (33 per cent) could be distributed to intended beneficiaries in the last four months.
- Central government announced free food grains for two months to migrants who were neither beneficiaries of the National Food Security Act NFSA nor had a ration card in the state they were stationed in.
- Under the scheme, each such migrant family was to be provided with 5 kg of food grains per month for May and June.
- Later, states were given two more months July and August to distribute the already lifted food grains.
- However,till August 31, all the states and Union Territories have been able to distribute only 41 per cent of 6.38 lakh tonnes of food grains they had lifted under the Atma Nirbhar Bharat package.
- 26 out of 36 states and Union Territories have lifted 100 per cent of food grains with respect to their allocations,
- Only four states Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Nagaland and Odisha have reported 100 percent distribution of food grains among the beneficiaries.
Implication of low distribution
Identification of beneficiaries and allocation are the major problems in the distribution system. PDS faces nearly 61% error of exclusion that leads to mis-classification.
The allocation will ease the hardships faced by the migrants due to the economic disruption caused by the corona virus pandemic. But it is seen that a large number of migrants were unidentified and not getting the benefits.
Poor implementation of the package. Many worker still do not unaware of the benefits provided leads to missing of the schemes intention.
Source : Indian Express
GS II : Food processing and related industries in India- scope and significance, location, upstream and downstream requirements, supply chain management
Adjusted Gross Revenue For Telcos
Why in News ?
The Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed telecom companies 10 years’ time to pay their adjusted gross revenue
(AGR) dues to the government. Adjusted Gross Revenue For Telcos increases the stress of Telecom operators.
What is AGR
The usage and licensing fee that telecom operators are charged by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT).
- The AGR is divided into spectrum usage charges and licensing fees between 3-5% and 8% respectively.
- Calculation of charges :
- All revenues earned by a telcos.
- Besides non-telecom related sources such as deposit interests and asset sales.
- Except capital receipts
- Suggestion by Telcos
- AGR should comprise only the revenues generated from telecom services. Exclude non-telecom revenue sources for AGR.
- However Supreme Court verdict on 24th October 2019 upheld the definition of ‘Adjusted gross revenue'(AGR) as interpreted by the Government.
- Importance of AGR Defenition
- For calculating the two charges levied on the Telecom operators by the Government
- License fee
- Spectrum usage charges
- For calculating the two charges levied on the Telecom operators by the Government
Government Proposal for the issues
- The government had proposed in court a 20 year for telcos to make staggered payments of the dues.
- In previous judgement of the court wanted the telcos to make the repayments in three months an amount nearly Rs.1.4 lakh crores.
- The telecom operators would make the payment of 10% of the total dues as demanded by Department of
Telecom by March 31, 2021. - The payment should be paid based on instalment every year by March 31.
- The telcos shall keep alive the existing bank guarantees they had submitted regarding the spectrum until
the payment is made.
Reason for Teleos Stress
- Repayment of AGR : For the last 14 years AGR definition was under litigation. Intially it was a small amount of 23,189 crores turned into a sum of Rs.1.4 lakh crores (License fees due- Rs.92640 crores; SUC due- Rs.46000 crores. Total- Rs.1.4 lakh crores)
- This interest on the basic dues not paid, penalties on delayed payment and interest on penalties not paid.
- Significant payment was pending by Vodafone and Airtel.
- 2G License cancellation by SC : 2G scam leads the Supreme Court arbitrarily cancelled all the licenses and ordered fresh auctions in 2012.
- The recent competition by the new network operators.
Government Intervention to tackle stress
Committee of secretaries were recently announced by the government. Committee the representative of Ministry of Finance, Law and Telcom to recommend measures to mitigate financial stress in the Telecom sector.
Source : The Hindu
GS II : Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation
Loan moratorium is extendable to two years
Why in News ?
Solicitor General appearing for the Union government and the Reserve Bank of India, informed the Supreme Court that the Loan moratorium is extendable to two years. It was introduced during the lockdown.
What is Loan Moratorium
Moratorium is a buffer period to restart the repayment of loans. Loan repayment usually starts as soon as the loan is granted. Moratorium is a certain period of time before the re payer must start paying his fixed monthly mortgage payment by a certain date of the month.
Education loan has a moratorium period ie once the students completes his/her studies only then the repayment starts.
Need for Moratorium
- Economy has contracted by 23 per cent due to the pandemic.
- Moratorium will help the re payer a period for the payment when the economy recoup.
- The moratorium can be optional if you are facing severe financial crunch.
Impact of Moratorium in the long term : It can give you short-term relief but in the long term it can cost you some burden. Because, during the period of moratorium, interest will continue to be levied on the outstanding loan.
- Supreme Court earlier direct the Centre to clarify its position on the waiver of interest during the loan moratorium on loan and other repayments to banks.
- The Reserve Bank of India had introduced the measure initially for three months, since extended to protect borrowers hit by the Covid-19 and lock down. It has argued that interest can’t be waived.
Source : The Hindu
GS II : Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment
Indra 2020 Naval Exercise
Why in News ?
India and Russia will be holding a two days toned down bilateral naval exercise, Indra 2020.
About Indra 2020
- Indra series of exercises began in 2003 and was conducted as a bilateral naval exercise.
- It will be in the Andaman Sea, which is close to the strategic Strait of Malacca from Sept 4-5.
- It will be structured to enhance interoperability, validating and standardising common operating protocols towards greater operational cohesiveness across the spectrum of the maritime threat from the strategic to the non-traditional.
- There will a number of maritime drills including tracking exercises, gun firing on surface and aerial targets, and replenishment at sea approaches have been planned for the naval drill.
Strait of Malacca
- 890 km stretch of waterway connecting the Andaman Sea (Indian Ocean) and the South China Sea (Pacific Ocean).
- The strait derived its name from the trading port of Melaka
- trait of Malacca is the shortest sea route between India and China and hence is one of the most heavily travelled shipping channels in the world.
- Singapore, one of the world’s most important ports, is situated at the strait’s southern end.

Source : The Hindu
Prelims : Strait Of Malacca, Indira 2020
Accidental Deaths, Suicides grew NCRB
Why in News ?
The number of suicide cases and accidental deaths registered an increase across the country last year from the
2018 figures according to the annual National Crime Records Bureau report. Accidental Deaths, Suicides grew NCRB based on the report.
About the Report – The statistics
- Report on Suicides
- Mass/family suicides were reported from Tamil Nadu (16), followed by Andhra Pradesh (14), Kerala (11) and Punjab (9) and Rajasthan (7).
- Suicides in the country went up slightly from 1,34,516 to 1,39,123.
- Of the 97,613 male suicides, the most were of daily wage earners (29,092), followed by self employed persons (14,319) and the unemployed (11,599).
- Of the 41,493 female, over half were housewives.
- Suicides by unemployed persons were in
- Kerala at 14% (1,963), followed by 10.8% in Maharashtra, 9.8% in Tamil Nadu, 9.2% in Karnataka and 6.1% in Odisha.
- Suicides by those in business activities
- Maharashtra (14.2%), Tamil Nadu (11.7%), Karnataka (9.7%), West Bengal (8.2%) and Madhya Pradesh (7.8%).
- The suicide rate in cities (13.9%) was higher compared to the all India average.
- Central Armed Police Forces, a total of 36 personnel died by suicide, 38.9% were due to “family problems”.
- Five such suicides were reported in Rajasthan, followed by four in Tamil Nadu.
- In all, 104 personnel died in various accidents.
- Report on Accident
- Accidental deaths in the country increased by 2.3%.
- Compared with 4,11,824 in 2018, the figure stood at 4,21,104 last year.
- The rate (per lakh population) increased from 31.1 to 31.5.
- The most casualties of 30.9% were reported in the 30-45 age group, followed by 26% in the 18-30 age group.
- Maharashtra reported the highest deaths (70,329), amounting to nearly one-sixth of the total figure.
- Uttar Pradesh, the most populous State, accounted for 9.6% cases, followed by Madhya Pradesh (10.1%).
National Crime Records Bureau report
- The Government accepted the recommendations of the Task Force and constituted the NCRB with headquarters at New Delhi in January, 1986.
- It is under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
- To collect and process crime statistics at the National level.
- Function as a clearing house of information on crime and criminals including those operating at National and International level.
- Coordinate, guide and assist the functioning of the State Crime Records Bureau.
- Executive and develop computer based systems for the Central Police Organisations.
Source : The Hindu
GS II : Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources
Current Affairs 2 September 2020 : Our major Sources for the Current Affairs are The Hindu, Indian Express, PIB. For more queries and mentor-ship please contact us.