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Using Mass Spectrometer have been able to detect novel coronavirus with 95% sensitivity and 100% specificity with respect to RT-PCR. Mass Spectrometer Coronavirus detection method will be an added advantage to detect the COVID19 virus. 

Mass Spectrometer Coronavirus detection

  • Detect novel coronavirus with 95% sensitivity and 100% specificity with respect to RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction).
  • Detection of the virus takes less than three minutes; time from sample preparation to detection takes less than 30 minutes.
  • Directly detect the virus without amplifying the RNA for detection as is the case with RT-PCR.
  • The new method relies on detecting the presence of two peptides which are unique to SARS-CoV-2 virus and not seen in any other coronavirus or other viruses.
  • Though seven peptides were found to be unique to SARS-CoV-2, only two peptides are used for quick virus detection.
  • could detect the peptides of SARS-CoV-2 virus even in patients who have recovered from the symptoms and have tested negative for the virus by RT-PCR.
  • So cheaper than RT-PCR. Many research labs have the mass spectrometer

peptide is a short chain of amino acids that make up certain proteins needed by the skin. The amino acids in a peptide are connected to one another in a sequence by bonds called peptide bonds. Typically, peptides are distinguished from proteins by their shorter length, although the cut-off number of amino acids for defining a peptide and protein can be arbitrary.

Various Method for CORONA Detection

RT-PCR Tests :The majority of the tests being conducted in India and worldwide are RT-PCR, which requires nasal and throat swabs and are used to directly detect the presence of the virus rather than antibodies.

Rapid antibody tests : Antibody tests are fast, inexpensive, and can be used to gauge the extent of infection within a community. Unlike RT-PCR, antibody tests require a blood sample to determine whether the human body has antibodies for coronavirus.

TruNat tests : TrueNat machine is chip-based, small and portable, and mostly runs on batteries. It detects the virus in nasal or oral swabs. The machines are equipped to detect the RdRp enzyme found in the virus RNA.

Rapid Antigen detection tests : Tests also lookout for virus similar to that of RT-PCR tests. Each test kit has an inbuilt COVID antigen test device, viral extraction tube along with viral lysis buffer and a sterile swab for sample collection. Nasal swab is collected, which is then immersed and squeezed into the viral extraction buffer. 

Source : The Hindu


Prelims : About Mass Spectrometer, Various Test

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Current Affairs Compilation : 3 September 2020

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