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Embrace of Digital Products in Educational Settings: UNESCO

Embrace of Digital Products in Educational Settings: UNESCO
Source: The Hindu

GS II:  Policies and Developmental Studies


  1. News in Brief
  2. Global Education Monitoring Report

Why in News?
  • Embrace of Digital Products in Educational Settings: UNESCO – The UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report 2023, titled “Technology in Education: A Tool on Whose Terms,” suggests that cell phones be banned in classrooms where their use does not improve learning.
News in Brief

  • The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) is cautioning against the uncritical use of digital products in educational settings.

    Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

  • Their Global Education Monitoring Report 2023 focuses on ‘Technology in Education: A Tool on Whose Terms?.’
  • The report recommends banning smartphones in schools when their integration does not improve learning or negatively impacts student well-being.
  • Despite research findings from 14 countries that being near a mobile device can distract children and hinder their ability to study, less than 25% of nations have implemented a ban on smartphone usage in classrooms.
  • The report also emphasizes the increased costs of providing basic education in areas that require digital infrastructure development, which can exacerbate the issue of uneven access in low-income nations.
  • Additionally, the study raises concerns about children’s privacy with the improper use of digital technology in education.
  • The report urges decision-makers to prioritize students’ needs and ensure that child data protection laws and accountability systems are designed with children in mind.
Global Education Monitoring Report

  • The 2023 GEM Report on ‘Technology in Education: A Tool on Whose terms?’ insists on the importance of utilizing technology in education.
  • It is crucial to consider its relevance, equality, scalability, and sustainability globally.
  • The report stresses that the primary concern of educational systems should be the benefit of students, and digital technology must be used as a supplementary tool to human interaction-based education, not as a replacement.
  • Underserved students can benefit significantly from technology, as it can make education more accessible, cost-effective, and engaging.
  • The report also highlights the need to improve fundamental skill instruction and acquisition, as well as practical digital skills.
  • Moreover, the report recognizes the crucial role of technology in educational management, specifically in the assessment and analysis of educational data.
  • Ultimately, the report advocates for the responsible and equitable use of technology in education to benefit all students.

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