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Gifting of Corvette INS Kirpan missile to Vietnam

Gifting of Corvette INS Kirpan missile to Vietnam

Source: PIB
GS II:  International Relations


  1. News in Brief
  2. INS Kirpan
  3. India and Vietnam Relation
  4. The joint vision statement for the India-Vietnam defence partnership towards 2030
Why in News?

Hon’ble Raksha Mantri declared that the in-service missile corvette INS Kirpan would be given to Vietnam during Gen Phan Van Giang’s recent visit to India on June 17–19.

News in Brief

  • The INS Kirpan set out today from Visakhapatnam on her last trip from India to Vietnam in order to carry out that plan.
  • India’s dedication to assisting its like-minded allies in increasing their capacity and capabilities is seen in the handover of an indigenously constructed, in-service missile corvette, INS Kirpan, from the Indian Navy to the Vietnamese People’s Navy.
  • The handover of the INS Kirpan to Vietnam is in line with India’s ‘Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR)’ and ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam‘ visions.
  • This is the first time India has given a fully functional corvette to a friendly foreign nation.
INS Kirpan

  • The third Khukri class missile corvette to be built entirely in-country is now serving in the Indian Navy as INS Kirpan.
  • The ship has taken part in several military and humanitarian assistance missions and is equipped with a variety of weaponry and sensors.
  • Since its commissioning in 1991, INS Kirpan has played a significant role in several missions as part of the Indian Navy’s Eastern Fleet.
  • The ship is 90 metres long and 10.45 metres wide with a maximum displacement of 1450 tonnes.
  • It is manned by roughly 12 officers and 100 sailors.
India and Vietnam Relation

  • The historical ties between India and Vietnam are robust, diverse, and founded on both cultural and economic pillars.
  • In September 2016, the two nations’ partnership was elevated from a Strategic Partnership to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.
  • In the field of defence, cooperation is based on common goals for regional security, reciprocal stra
    Image by falco from Pixabay

    tegic interests, and respecting the international system of laws.

  • Over the previous ten years, ties between the two nations have improved with the signing of an MoU on defence cooperation between the two nations in November 2009.
  • The joint vision statement for the India-Vietnam defence partnership towards 2030 was also signed by the two defence ministers in June 2022.
  • Both navies have substantial operational exchanges, scheduled regular conversations, and information-sharing systems in the maritime sector.
  • The delivery of spare parts, ship repairs, instructor deputies, and frequent goodwill visits by naval ships and delegations are just a few examples of the numerous activities included in this Navy-to-Navy cooperation that aim to improve capacity and increase capabilities.

The joint vision statement for the India-Vietnam defence partnership towards 2030

  • The Joint Vision Statement on Defence Partnership between India and Vietnam, which was signed in 2022, would greatly expand the scope and scale of current defence cooperation.
  • In Hanoi, bilateral discussions between Vietnamese Minister of National Defence General Phan Van Giang and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh took place.
  • A Memorandum of Understanding on Mutual Logistics Support was also signed at the time.
  • This is the first such significant agreement that Vietnam has signed with another nation
    • It represents a significant step towards streamlining the processes for mutually beneficial logistic support.
  • Both Ministers concurred on the expedited completion of the 500 million dollar defence line of credit given to Vietnam during the meeting.
  • In order to strengthen the capabilities of the Vietnamese Armed Forces, India announced the donation of two simulators and a financial contribution for the establishment of a language and IT lab at the Air Force Officers Training School.
  • Vietnam is a crucial ally in India’s Act East strategy and Indo-Pacific vision.

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