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Water Gushing Out From Underground in Rajasthan

Water Gushing Out From Underground in Rajasthan

Source: Indian Express
GS III: Environment


  1. News in Brief
  2. What was it?

Why in the News?

Large amounts of water began gushing out from underground in Rajasthan.

News in Brief

  • Residents of Taranagar village in Rajasthan’s Jaisalmer district witnessed a unique phenomenon last month when large amounts of water began gushing out from underground on December 27.
  • The water stopped flowing without any external intervention on December 29.
  • Scientists pointed to a geological event.
  • The 25 bighas of land nearby came under water as well.
What was it?

  • Geologists at Rajasthan’s State Ground Water Department, explained the phenomenon as an “artesian condition,” where water flows naturally due to underground pressure.
  • Artesian Aquifer
    • Artesian aquifer stores water under pressure between impermeable layers of sediment and soil below the Earth’s surface.
    • It is also referred to as “confined” water due to the presence of hardy materials above and below it.
    • The water is confined in layers of rock or soil, creating pressure that forces it to the surface when tapped.
    • Due to the underground pressure, water can flow freely from the well once it is drilled, often without the need for a pump.
    • Artesian wells typically tap into deeper underground sources compared to regular wells.


  • Artesian wells are formed when water from a higher elevation is trapped between two impermeable layers, and the pressure from the surrounding rock forces it upward when a hole or well is drilled.
  • Artesian wells are commonly found in areas with specific geological conditions, and they can provide a steady flow of water for various uses, including irrigation and drinking water.

Desert region, water is confined underneath a geological layer of sandstone. As soon as the top layer is punctured, water starts flowing upwards due to heavy pressure.

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