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Scientists from University of Florida in the U.S. are studying a more heat-tolerant Brangus cow a cross between an Angus and a Brahman.

Need for new breed

More than half the cattle in the world lives in hot and humid environments, including about 40% of beef cows in the United States.

Aim of the Research

  • Breed of genetically-modified cows of the future that will be more heat-resistant and have superior ability to adapt to hot living conditions.
  • By using genomic tools, researchers aim to produce an animal that can adapt to hot living conditions and produce top-quality beef.
  • Initially DNA segments from the two breeds and figure out which regions of the cow’s DNA are important to regulate body temperature.
  • Eventually want to develop the knowledge and tools the cattle industry needs to increase tolerance to heat stress.
  • At the same time, researchers try to increase efficiency in production, reproduction and meat quality.

Importance of the Research

This offers a powerful new approach to address the challenges of climate change and develop climate-smart productive cattle for a future, hotter world.

Source : The Hindu

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