Railway launched the following Initiatives

1. RailCloud

  • Rail Cloud works on popular Cloud Computing system.
  • Most Important works are done through Cloud Computing.
  • Also, this is going to reduce the cost & data may be safely ensured on the servers.
  • RailCloud will pave the way for swifter deployment of application (within 24 hrs as compared to conventional time running into weeks and months).
  • The technology enables maximising the usage of the available server and storage resulting in accommodation of bigger data and more applications within same server space.
  • The existing resources available with railway will be subsumed in RailCloud thereby ensuring that expenditure is minimized in acquiring new resources.
  • Server and storage space will scale up and down as per the demand which makes the system suitable to meet the higher demand at peak hours with less expenditure.
  • The cloud shall be equipped with security features as per the latest GOI guidelines,

Cloud computing is a new form of Internet-based computing that provides shared computer processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand.

2. NIVARAN-Grievance PortalfFirst IT application on RailCloud

  • It is the platform for resolution of service related grievances of serving and former railway employees.
  • The existing application was hosted on a conventional server; it has been made cloud-ready and being migrated as the first cloud application of Indian Railways.
  • It will save significant revenue and at the same time user experience will also improve.

3. Cashless treatment Scheme in Emergency (CTSE)

  • Railway provides Comprehensive Health Care Facilities to its beneficiaries through in-house health Institutions, supplementing with referrals to recognized hospitals whenever necessary.
  • The beneficiaries include retired employees and their dependent family members.
  • A web based system of communication between private hospitals and railway authorities has been developed.
  • Identity of the beneficiary shall be established using biometrics stored in Aadhar (UIDAI) server, eligibility shall be determined using Railway Data Base and emergency shall be verified by Railway Medical Officer based on private hospital clinical report.
  •  The whole system is online and even the bill processing shall be online.

Source : Pib

GS II : Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability, e-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential; citizens charters, transparency & accountability and institutional and other measures.

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