National Dam Safety Authority

Disaster Management

Help the states and union territories to adopt uniform safety procedures to ensure the safety of reservoirs.

About the Bill


  • The Union Cabinet has approved a proposal for introduction of the Dam Safety Bill, 2018 in Parliament.
  • The Bill envisages a National Dam Safety Authority, which will liaise with State-level dam safety organisations and the owners of dams for standardising safety-related data and practices.
  • The NDSA will investigate dam failures and have the authority to fine the States that are found remiss in implementing safety measures.
  • It will look into unresolved points of issue between the States which share dam territory and look to eliminating potential causes for inter-State conflicts.
National Dam Safety Authority

  • Which implements policies of the NCDA and provides technical assistance to State Dam Safety Organisations (SDSOs) and resolves disputes involving an SDSO.
  • Implements policies of the NCDA and provides technical assistance to State Dam Safety Organisations (SDSOs) and resolves disputes involving an SDSO.
  • The Authority shall be headed by an officer not below the rank of Additional Secretary to the Government of India or equivalent to be appointed by the Central Government.
    • He has knowledge of, and adequate qualifications, experience and capacity, to deal with problems relating to dam engineering and dam safety management.
  • The Authority shall comply with such directions as may, from time to time, be given to it by the Central Government.
    • Authority shall make all endeavours to resolve any issue between the State Dam Safety Organisations of States or between a State Dam Safety Organisation and any owner of a specified dam in that State.
    • It shall have the power to enforce the attendance of any person and call for any information as may be necessary.
    • Implement the policy, guidelines and standards evolved by the National Committee for proper surveillance, inspection and maintenance of specified dams
  • Every decision of the Authority taken in respect of matters under this Act shall be final and binding upon all the parties to the issue.
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