About the Scheme

  • It aims holistic development of Adolescent Boys, on the pattern of SABLA.
  • It would aim at the all-round development of Adolescent Boys to make them self-reliant, gender-sensitive and aware citizens, when they grow up.
  • The scheme will focus on all Adolescent Boys between 11 to 18 years and will primarily focus on out-of-school boys.

Objectives of SAKSHAM

  1. To make the Adolescent Boys gender sensitive, self-development  and empowerment.
  2. To address the health needs i.e. the physical, mental and emotional health of ABs.
  3. To create sensitized Ahimsa Messengers to address Violence against Women.
  4. To provide relevant information and vocational skills through National Skill Development Program (NSDP) for future work-participation. 
  5. To promote awareness about health, hygiene, nutrition and Adolescent Reproductive & Sexual Health (ARSH) and family and child care.
  • The scheme will utilize the structures made under ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services Scheme). 
  • The Anganwadicenters are the central points to deliver the services, and if the Anganwadi infrastructure is inadequate, it will be provided by the local Panchayat or Municipal Committee.
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