Why in News ?
India and Russia will be holding a two days toned down bilateral naval exercise, Indra 2020.
About Indra 2020
- Indra series of exercises began in 2003 and was conducted as a bilateral naval exercise.
- It will be in the Andaman Sea, which is close to the strategic Strait of Malacca from Sept 4-5.
- It will be structured to enhance interoperability, validating and standardising common operating protocols towards greater operational cohesiveness across the spectrum of the maritime threat from the strategic to the non-traditional.
- There will a number of maritime drills including tracking exercises, gun firing on surface and aerial targets, and replenishment at sea approaches have been planned for the naval drill.
Strait of Malacca
- 890 km stretch of waterway connecting the Andaman Sea (Indian Ocean) and the South China Sea (Pacific Ocean).
- The strait derived its name from the trading port of Melaka
- trait of Malacca is the shortest sea route between India and China and hence is one of the most heavily travelled shipping channels in the world.
- Singapore, one of the world’s most important ports, is situated at the strait’s southern end.

Source : The Hindu
Prelims : Strait Of Malacca, Indira 2020
Current Affairs Compilation : 2 September 2020