Current Affairs 1 October 2020 – IAS Current Affairs

Current Affairs 1 October 2020 2020 focuses on Prelims-Mains perspective. Major events are :

  1. Index of Eight Core Industries
  2. Zombie Fires in Arctic Region
  3. Consumer Price Index For Industrial Workers
  4. India and Australia Skilling Agenda Partnership
  5. Ambedkar Social Innovation and Incubation-Mission
  6. Crime against SC-ST Rise
  7. ICGS Kanaklata Barua FAST Patrol Vessel
  8. Prelims Facts 01 October 2020  

Index of Eight Core Industries

Why in News ?

The output of India’s eight core sectors of infrastructure, which is calculated by the Index of Eight Core Industries declined 8.5 per cent on-year to 117.6 in August.

Which are the core Industries ?

  • Core industries are the main or the key industries of any country and acts as a backbone for all other industries.
  • The eight core industries : Coal, Crude oil, Natural gas, Refinery products, Fertilisers, Steel, Cement and Electricity.
    • The Eight Core Industries comprise of 40.27 per cent of the weight of items included in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
  • Weight of Core Industries in IIP
Industry Weight
Refinery products 28.04
Electricity 19.85
Steel 17.92
Coal 10.33
Crude oil 8.98
Natural gas 6.88
Cement 5.37
Fertilizers 2.63

Index of Industrial Production (IIP)

  • Growth rates in different industry groups (Including Core Industries) of the economy in a particular period of time.
  • The IIP index compiled and published on a monthly basis. by
    • Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) 
    • Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
  • IIP is a composite indicator that measures the short-term changes in the volume of production of a basket of industrial products during a given period.
  • Index of eight core sector industries, which form 40% of the weight of items included in the broader Index of Industrial Production (IIP).

Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI)

  • ICI measures collective and individual performance of production in selected eight core industries
  • The ICI is a production volume index prepared and released by
    • Office of the Economic Adviser (OEA)
    • Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)
    • Ministry of Commerce & Industry, GOI\
  • To provide an advance indication on the production performance of the industries which are of core nature before the release of the IIP and released 12 days before the IIP.

About recent Index of Eight Core Industries

  • The output of India’s eight core sectors of infrastructure, which is calculated by the Index of Eight Core Industries declined 8.5 per cent on-year to 117.6 in August.
    • Worst hit include refinery products where petroleum refinery production declined by 19.1 percent.
    • Next affected sector is cement whose production fell by 14.6 percent.
    • Natural gas production declined by 9.5 percent and steel production decreased by 6.3 percent.
    • Coal production increased by 3.6 percent
  • Except for coal and fertilizers, the remaining sectors recorded negative growth in the month.
  • During the April-August period, the eight core sectors contracted 17.8 per cent from the year-ago period.

Source : PIB


GS III : Effects of liberalization on the economy, changes in industrial policy and their effects on industrial growth

Zombie Fires in Arctic Region

Why in News ?

Zombie Fires in Arctic Region raises the warming in the region. Fire regimes in the Arctic are changing rapidly. Also fires occurring in the once-frozen tundra.

What is a Zombie Fire ?

  • Zombie fire’ is a fire from a previous growing season that can smoulder under the ground which is made up of carbon-rich peat.
  • When the weather warms, the fire can reignite.

Fire in the Arctic Tundra regions

  • Fires in the Arctic spreading to areas which were formerly fire-resistant.
  • The tundra north of the Arctic Circle is drying up and vegetation there like moss, grass, dwarf shrubs, etc are starting to catch fire.
  • Most of the fire occurred occurred on continuous permafrost, with over half of these burning on ancient carbon-rich peat soils.
  • The temperature of the region are increasing leads to the development of Heat Waves.

Issues related to Arctic Fire

  • Fires and record temperatures had the potential of turning the carbon sink into a carbon source and increasing global warming.
    • These changes can be sense using a variety of satellite and remote sensing tools.
  • PermaFrost : any ground that remains completely frozen—32°F (0°C) or colder—for at least two years straight. 
  • Peat : highly organic material found in marshy or damp regions, composed of partially decayed vegetable matter. It acts as a carbon store

Way Forward

Global cooperation, investment and action in monitoring fires. It called for learning from the indigenous peoples of the Arctic about how fire was traditional used.

  • New permafrost- and peat-sensitive approaches to wildland fire fighting were needed to save the Arctic.

Source : Down To Earth


GS III : Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment

Consumer Price Index For Industrial Workers

Why in News ?

The Consumer Price Index For Industrial Workers for the month of August, 2020 is being released in this press release. Labour Bureau, an attached office of the M/o Labour & Employment, has been compiling Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers.

About Consumer Price Index For Industrial Workers

  • It is designed to measure a change over time in prices of a given basket of goods and services consumed by a defined population.
  • The basis of the retail prices of selected items collected from 289 markets spread over 78 industrially important centres in the country.
  • The index is compiled for 78 centres and All-India and is released on the last working day of succeeding month.
  • Retail inflation measured in terms of the Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) is the benchmark for working out dearness allowance for central government employees and dearness relief for pensioners.

About recent Index

  • The All-India CPI-IW for August, 2020 increased by 2 points and stood at 338.
  • The indices of 31 centres are above All-India Index and 47 centres’ indices are below national average.
  • Year-on-year inflation based on all-items stood at 5.63 per cent for August, 2020 as compared to 5.33 per cent for the previous month and 6.31 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year.
  • Similarly, Food inflation stood at 6.67 per cent against 6.38 per cent of the previous month and 5.10 per cent during the corresponding month a year ago.
  • The maximum upward pressure in current index came from Food group, contributing (+) 1.14 percentage points.
  • Implications
    • The increase in CPI-IW will have a positive effect on wages/salaries of industrial workers engaged in organized sector besides Government employees and pensioners.
    • The rise in annual inflation is mainly due to rise in prices of items like Rice, Potato, Brinjal, Onion, etc.

Source : PIB


GS III : Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment

India and Australia Skilling Agenda Partnership

Why in News ?

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship(MSDE) and High Commission of Australia holds meeting for Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training.

Details of the Meeting

  • To operationalize & implement Cooperation in VET to promote development of occupational standards in priority industry sectors.
  • Both will ensure a collaborative and clear plan of action to address the priority areas in skill development
  • Importance of joint planning and implementation of collaborative programmes was emphasized with a focus on salient points such as
    • Industry sectors
    • Enhancing capacity and quality of trainers and assessors
    • Internships and apprenticeship exchanges
    • Facilitation of linkages between VET providers and industry in both the countries
  • MoU will establish new pathways between the two countries to share information and best practice between the respective VET systems.
    • The MoU will help in mutual priority areas of industry engagement, quality assurance models, and teaching standards.

Other Agreement for Vocational Education and Training and Importance

  • MSDE has signed MOUs with eight countries including Japan, UAE, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Finland and Morocco for cooperation.
  • The partnership will help foster closer ties between the governments and training providers open up new areas of opportunity for millions of VET learners in both countries.

Vocational Education and Training in India

  • What does Vocational Education Focus ? : Vocational education consists basically of practical courses through which one gains skills and experience directly linked to a career in future.
  • Two types of vocational trainings are available in India:
    • Formal Education
      • Training follows a structured training program and leads to certificates, diplomas or degrees, recognized by State/Central Government, Public Sector and other reputed concerns.
    • In Formal Education
      • Helps in acquiring some marketable expertise, which enables a person to carry out her/his ancestral trade or occupation.
      • It is also a Hereditary method of skill acquisitions.
  • According to a NSSO report vocational training is received by
    • Only 10% of persons aged between 15-29 years.
    • Out of this only 2% receive formal training, while non-formal training constitutes the remaining 8%.
    • Out of the formal training received by that particular age group only 3% are employed.
    • Most sought after field of training is computer related training.
    • Only 20% of formal vocational training is received from ITI/ITCs.
  • Examples of vocational education courses are
    • Dairying, farm machinery and equipment under Agriculture
    • Accounting and auditing under Business and Commerce
    • Electrical technology, air conditioning and refrigeration under Engineering and Technology
    • X-ray technician, health care and beauty culture under Health and Para Medical
    • Preservation of fruits and vegetables, food services and management under Home Sciences and Humanities.

Source : PIB


GS II : Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources

Ambedkar Social Innovation and Incubation-Mission

Why in News ?

Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment e-launched the “Ambedkar Social Innovation and Incubation Mission (ASIIM) under Venture Capital Fund for SCs.

Ambedkar Social Innovation and Incubation Mission (ASIIM)

  • To promoting innovation and enterprise among SC students studying in higher educational institutions.
    • In a view to developing entrepreneurship amongst the SC/Divyang youth and to enable them to become job-givers.
  • Objective of this fund is to provide concessional finance to the entities of the SC entrepreneurs.
    • To promote entrepreneurship among the SC Youth with special preference to Divyangs
    • To support 1,000 innovative ideas till 2024 through a synergetic work with the Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) set up by Department of Science and Technology
    • To support, promote, hand-hold the start-up ideas till they reach commercial stage by providing liberal equity support
    • To incentivise students with innovative mind-set to take to entrepreneurship with confidence.
  • Under this fund 117 companies promoted by SC entrepreneurs have been sanctioned financial assistance to set up business ventures.
  • Ambedkar Social Innovation Incubation Mission (ASIIM) initiative, 1,000 SC youth would be identified in the next 4 years with start-up ideas through the Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) in various higher educational institutions.
  • The budget of ASIIM for the next four years has been kept at Rs 19320 lakhs.
  • They will be funded Rs. 30 lakhs in 3 years as equity funding so that they can translate their start-up ideas into commercial ventures.
  • Successful ventures would further qualify for venture funding of up to Rs. 5 Crore from the Venture Capital Fund for SCs.
  • ASIIM initiative will be implemented by the Venture Capital Fund for SCs (VCF-SCs)

Venture Capital Fund for SCs (VCF-SCs)

  • It was set up in 2016 with the Fund size of Rs. 500 Cr.
  • Since its inception, VCF-SC has sanctioned financial assistance to 118 companies to the tune of Rs. 444.14 crore.
  • In order to further motivate and encourage Innovative entrepreneurial Startups, Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment has modified the Venture Capital for Scheduled Castes (VCF-SC) guidelines
    • Aims to keep focused attention in providing equity support to entities/companies of young SC entrepreneurs working on innovative and technology-based ideas.
  • Target SC students / young entrepreneurs working in Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) supported by Department of Science and Technology (DST) in higher education and technology institution including Business / Management schools.

Source : PIB


GS II : Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections

Crime against SC-ST Rise

Why in News ?

Crime against SC-ST Rise according to Crime in India 2019. Crime against Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) saw an increase of over 7% and 26% respectively in year 2019 compared to 2018.

About the Report

  • Crime Against SC
    • A total of 45,935 cases were registered for committing crime against SCs, showing an increase of 7.3% over 2018, when 42,793 such cases were recorded.
    • At 11,829 cases, Uttar Pradesh recorded the highest number of crimes against SCs in 2019, followed by 6,794 cases in Rajasthan and 6,544 cases in Bihar.
    • Rape cases
      • Number of cases of rape of women belonging to SCs, Rajasthan topped the list with 554 cases, followed by Uttar Pradesh at 537 and Madhya Pradesh at 510 cases.
  • Crime Against ST
    • A total of 8,257 cases were registered for committing crime against STs, an increase of 26.5% over 2018, when 6,528 such cases were registered.
    • Madhya Pradesh recorded the highest number of cases against STs as it recorded 1,922 cases, followed by Rajasthan, which recorded 1,797 cases and Odisha-576 cases.
    • Highest number of incidents of rape of tribal women- 358 was registered in Madhya Pradesh, followed by 180 incidents in Chattisgarh and 114 in Maharashtra.
  • A total of 51,56,172 cognizable crimes comprising 32,25,701 Indian Penal Code (IPC) ones and 19,30,471 Special and Local Laws (SLL) crimes were registered in 2019.
    • It showed an increase of 1.6% in registration of cases over 2018 (50,74,635 cases).
  • A total of 4,05,861 cases of crime against women were registered in 2019 compared to 3,78,236 cases in 2018, showing an increase of 7.3%.
  • Cyber crimes increased by 63.5% in 2019.
    • A total of 44,546 cases were registered under cybercrimes, compared to 27,248 cases in 2018.
    • In 2019, 60.4% of cybercrime cases registered were for the motive of fraud (26,891 out of 44,546 cases), followed by sexual exploitation, with 5.1% (2,266 cases), and causing disrepute with 4.2% (1,874 cases).
  • Crimes against SCs and STs include the following categories, atrocities committed by non-SC/ST members under the
    • Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities Act), 1989 (hereafter POA Act),
    • The Indian Penal Code and the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955.

Source : The Hindu


GS II : Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections.

ICGS Kanaklata Barua FAST Patrol Vessel

Why In News ?

A FAST Patrol Vessel (FPV) named ICGS Kanaklata Barua was commissioned in the Indian Coast Guard on in Kolkata.

  • It is named after a teenage freedom fighter who was shot dead in Assam during the Quit India Movement.

About ICGS Kanaklata Barua

  • It is the fifth and last in a series of FPVs built by Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) Ltd.
  • The other four are
    1. ICGS Priyadarshini (named after Indira Gandhi),
    2. ICGS Annie Besant,
    3. ICGS Kamala Devi (after Kamala Devi Chattopadhyay)
    4. ICGS Amrit Kaur.
  • These FPVs are upgraded versions of the inshore patrol vessels with a modified form of the hull and can achieve a speed of 34 knots.
  • In the Coast Guard these FPVs and their earlier versions belong to the Rajashree class of patrol vessels.
  • It is used for 
    • Patrolling,
    • Maritime surveillance,
    • Anti-smuggling,
    • Anti-poaching operations
    • Fishery protection, and rescue and search missions.
  • These FPVs are medium-range surface vessels with a length of around 50 m, and a displacement of over 300 tonnes.

About Kanaklata Barua

  • One of the youngest martyrs of the Quit India Movement, Kanaklata Barua has iconic status in Assam.
  • Also called called Birbala and Shaheed
  • During the Quit India Movement Barua joined the Mrityu Bahini, a death squad comprising groups of youth from the Gohpur sub division of Assam.
    • Bahini decided it would hoist the national flag at the local police station and a procession of unarmed villagers were led by Barua.
    • Barua was shot during the firing at the age of 17.

Quit India Movement

  • British Government in its continued effort to secure Indian cooperation in WW II sent Sir Stafford Cripps to India on 23 March 1942.
  • Recommendations of Stafford Cripps
    • Dominion Status to India
    • Porotection of minorities
    • Setting up of a Constituent Assembly including princely states and British Provinces.
    • Those who disagree with constitution had the power to frame its own.
  • The major political parties of the country rejected the Cripps proposals.
    • Gandhi called Cripp’s proposals as a “Post-dated Cheque”.
  • Failure of the Cripps Mission and threat from Japanese invasion of India led Mahatma Gandhi to begin his campaign for the British to quit India, the Quit India Movement.
  • On 8 August 1942 and passed the famous Quit India Resolution by All India Congress Committee.
    • Gandhi gave his call of do or die.
  • Most of the leaders were arrested and the huge mass participated becomes leaderless. 
  • The prominent leaders are leadership was provided by Ram Manohar Lohia, Achyuta and S.M. Joshi.
    • Jayaprakash Narain in this movement was important.
  • At least 7,000 people were killed.
  • This movement paved the way for India’s freedom that aroused among Indians the feelings of bravery, enthusiasm and total sacrifice.

Source : Indian Express


GS I : The Freedom Struggle – its various stages and important contributors /contributions from different parts of the country

Prelims Facts 01 October 2020

PoS 3.1 Software

Why in News ?

Union Minister for Chemicals & Fertilizers launched POS 3.1 software, SMS Gateway and Home Delivery facility of Fertilizers (RBK)for farmers in Andhra Pradesh.

What is PoS 3.1 ?

  • The system enables us to know and monitor availability of fertilizer on real time basis at State, District and at the retail outlet.
    • It is a measure of the robustness of DBT system.
  • Entire fertilizer subsidy for the last two years have been disbursed through this system.
  • POS 3.1 version contactless OTP based authentication option has been introduced.
    • Farmer will be able to purchase fertilizer without touching finger print sensor.

SMS Gateway

  • Periodically send SMS to farmer about availability of fertilizer at retail outlet from where he last purchased the fertilizer.
  • Also be able to get information about availability of fertilizer at any retail outlet by sending retailer ID to Mobile No. 7738299899.
  • Further on purchase of fertilizer, SMS will be sent to his mobile indicating the quantity purchased and amount paid by him.

About Point of Sale

  • The place where your customer makes a payment for products or services at your store.
  • PoS is the place where all the customer and seller related activity is done like sales, inventory and customer management
  • PoS machine
    • Every POS system comprises of software and hardware components.
    • Monitor/tablet, Barcode scanner, Credit card reader, Receipt printer and Cash drawer are main component.

Source : PIB

BrahMos Missile Featuring Indigenous Booster

Why in News ?

BrahMos surface-to-surface supersonic cruise missile featuring indigenous Booster and Airframe Section along with many other Made in India sub-systems was successfully flight tested for designated range at 1030 hours

Details of BrahMos Missile

  • It is one more major step in enhancing the indigenous content.
  • The BrahMos Land-Attack Cruise Missile (LACM) was cruising at a top speed of Mach 2.8.
  • It is an extended range BrahMos surface-to-surface supersonic cruise missile from the Integrated Test Range at Balasore in Odisha.
    • Also can hit targets 400 km away.
    • The range has been increased from the existing 290 km.
  • The existing missile is the world’s fastest supersonic cruise missile.
  • Increasing the missile’s range became possible after India’s induction into the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) in June 2016.
  • The existing BrahMos missile is deployed in the eastern Ladakh theatre where India and China are locked in a border row

Source : PIB

Current Affairs 1 October 2020 : Our major Sources for the Current Affairs are The Hindu, Indian Express, PIB, Down To Earth etc. For more queries and mentor-ship please contact us.

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