Prelims Facts 9 October 2020 – IAS Current Affairs

Prelims Facts 9 October 2020 is an extra read for UPSC IAS Prelims exam. Major events are :

  1. International Barcode Of Life
  2. Louise Glück on winning The Nobel Prize for Literature 2020

International Barcode Of Life

Why in News ?

The Union Cabinet was on Wednesday apprised of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) and International Barcode of Life (iBOL), a Canadian not-for-profit corporation.

  • The MoU will enable ZSI to participate at the global-level programmes like Bioscan and Planetary Biodiversity Mission.

International Barcode Of Life

  • A methodology for rapidly and accurately identifying species by sequencing a short segment of standardized gene regions and comparing individual sequences to a reference database.
  • iBOL is a research alliance involving nations that have committed both human and financial resources to enable expansion of the global reference database, the development of informatics platforms, and the analytical protocols needed to use the reference library to assess, and describe biodiversity.

Source : PIB

Louise Glück on winning The Nobel Prize for Literature 2020

Why in News ?

American poet and essayist Louise Glück won The Nobel Prize for Literature. She is the fourth woman to win the Nobel Literature Prize in the past decade.

Nobel Prize

  • Awarded for Outstanding contributions in literature.
  • The Location is Stockholm, Sweden.
  • It is Presented by Swedish Academy.

Source : Indian Express

Prelims Facts 9 October 2020 includes the factual data helps in clear understanding and eliminate within the options.

Current Affairs Compilation : 9 October 2020

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