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Israel-Bahrain Established Diplomatic Relations at a ceremony in Manama as the wealthy Gulf region continues to open up to the Jewish state.

Key Facts

  • The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain became only the third and fourth Arab states to agree to normalise ties with Israel, following Israel’s 1979 peace deal with Egypt and a 1994 pact with Jordan.
  • Bahrain and Israel will sign a joint communique on the establishment of diplomatic, peaceful and friendly relations, as well as a number of memorandums of understanding in areas of mutual benefit.
  • Israeli and Bahraini officials held talks for several hours and inked eight memorandums of understanding (MOU) on visas, trade, agriculture, investments, direct flights, finance and investments.
  • Diplomatic note with a formal request for opening an Israeli embassy in Manama.

Israel-Bahrain Established Diplomatic Relations and India

  • This historic agreement also brings opportunities for India, which enjoys strong bilateral relations with these developed and thriving economies.
  • India will benefit greatly by expanding its cooperation in many areas including health care, energy, agriculture, cyber security, regional security, technology, water and more.
  • Israel and India have also been cooperating on joint research and development for rapid testing of Covid-19, as well as new technologies to combat the pandemic.
    • India has cultivated lucrative economic links with the UAE and other Gulf countries in fields of energy, IT, infrastructure investment, agricultural trade, etc.
  • Advantage of India in manufacturing harmonising with the great vision of India’s of Making in India, for India, and for the world.
  • As economic opportunities in the region arise, they will also expand beyond the immediate region to benefit  India and Indian Diaspora.
  • Besides India has long maintained its position in favour of a mutually acceptable two-state solution for the Israel-Palestine dispute.

Source : The Hindu

GS II : Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian diaspora

Current Affairs Compilation : 19 October 2020

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