Introduction to Basics of Indian Constitution

Basics of Indian Constitution explains the fundamental features of the constitution.

Constitution of India : The Superior Law that governs the Land of India.

The Constitution of a country sets out the fundamental of governance to be followed in any country and also divide or separate power, privileges and responsibilities between different organs of government.

Indian Constitution is the outcome of the debate, deliberations and research of a sovereign Constituent Assembly. Indian Constitution has borrowed heavily from other constitutions of the world.

Drafting Committee chaired by Dr. BR Ambedkar was appointed. The Drafting Committee had the full authority to add, modify or delete any of the proposals submitted by the committees.

Drafting Committee had seven members : Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar, N. Gopalaswami; B.R. Ambedkar, K.M Munshi, Mohammad Saadulla, B.L. Mitter and D.P. Khaitan.

It is the longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the world, containing

  • 448 articles in 25 parts
  • 12 schedules
  • 97 amendments.

Language : Besides the English version, there is an official Hindi translation.

The Constitution was thus enacted by the Constituent Assembly on 26 November 1949, and came into effect on 26 January 1950.

The date 26 January was chosen to commemorate the Purna Swaraj declaration of independence of 1930.

With the adoption the Union of India officially became the Republic of India and it replaced the Government of India Act 1935 as the country’s fundamental governing document.

Adoption of Features and Inspiration

Indian Constitution has borrowed heavily from other constitutions of the world. Founding fathers of the Indian Constitution preferred to rely on the time-tested value of experience elsewhere and adopted those provisions which had proved to be successful and workable in other countries.

Feature Source
Fundamental Rights USA
The Parliamentary System of Government UK
Directive Principles of State Policy  Ireland
Emergency Provisions Germany
Amendment Procedure  South Africa
Permeable To The Constitution of India France
Federal Model of Governance  Canada

Salient Features of Constitution

  1. The longest written constitution in the world.
  2. Proclaims India a Sovereign Democratic Republic.
  3. Fundamental Rights are guaranteed to all citizens of India.
  4. Directive Principles of State Policy are incorporated.
  5. Established the parliamentary system of government
    • The President of the Union is the constitutional head
    • The Council of Ministers or the Union Cabinet is the real executive and is responsible to the Lok Sabha.
  6. It is federal in form (in normal times) but unitary in spirit (in emergencies).
  7. It is neither too rigid nor flexible as amendment provided.
  8. Declares India a secular state.
  9. Guarantees single citizenship to all citizens.
  10. Introduction of adult franchise, i.e., every adult above 18 years has the right to vote and the system of joint electorates.
  11. Established an independent judiciary.
    • The Supreme Court acts as a guardian of the Constitution in place of the Privy Council.

The Preamble

It contains the basic philosophy of the whole Constitution and the ideals of the constitution-makers. Preamble is, technically, not a part of the Constitution. 

The draft of the Preamble was prepared by Jawaharlal Nehru and is based on the American model.  and now the preamble reads as follows.

“We the People of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Socialist Secular
Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens :

Justice; social, economic and political;
Liberty; of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
Equality; of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all;
Fraternity; assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation;

In our Constituent Assembly, November 26, 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this constitution.”

The 42nd Amendment added the words Secular and Socialist.

Parts in  Indian Constitution

The Constitution of India consists of following Parts:

Part I – Union and its Territory
Part II– Citizenship.
Part III – Fundamental Rights.
Part IV] – Directive Principles of State Policy
Part IVA – Fundamental Duties.
Part V – The Union.
Part VI – The States.
Part VII – States in the B part of the First schedule(Repealed).
Part VIII– The Union Territories
Part IX – The Panchayats.
Part IXA – The Municipalities.
Part IXB – The Cooperative Societies
Part X – The scheduled and Tribal Areas
Part XI – Relations between the Union and the States.
Part XII – Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits
Part XIII – Trade and Commerce within the territory of India
Part XIV – Services Under the Union, the States.
Part XIVA – Tribunals.
Part XV – Elections
Part XVI – Special Provisions Relating to certain Classes.
Part XVII – Languages
Part XVIII – Emergency Provisions
Part XIX – Miscellaneous
Part XX – Amendment of the Constitution
Part XXI – Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions
Part XXII – Short title, date of commencement, Authoritative text in Hindi and Repeals

Basics of Indian Constitution deals all the major topic and features of the constitution.

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