3rd Arctic Science Ministerial
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GS III : Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests

Why in News ?

India participates in the 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial shares plans for research and long-term cooperation in the Arctic.

  • The first two meetings ASM1 and ASM2 were held in the USA in 2016 and Germany in 2018, respectively.
  • ASM3, jointly organised by Iceland and Japan, is the first Ministerial meeting being held in Asia.
  • The theme for this year is ‘Knowledge for a Sustainable Arctic’.

Key Facts

  • India shared vision and long-term plans for research, work, and cooperation in the Arctic region with the stakeholders.
  • Collaborations towards strengthening observational systems and sharing of data to enhance knowledge.
  • India would continue to play a positive role in deepening shared understanding of the Arctic through observation, research, capacity building, as well in promoting sustainable development of the region through international cooperation.
  • India shared its plans to contribute observing systems in the Arctic both in-situ and by remote sensing.
  • The country would deploy open ocean mooring in the Arctic for long-term monitoring of upper ocean variables and marine meteorological parameters.
  • India’s contributions to the Sustained Arctic Observational Network (SAON) would continue.
  • The meeting is designed to provide opportunities to various stakeholders, including academia, indigenous communities, governments and policymakers, to enhance collective understanding of the Arctic region, emphasize and engage in constant monitoring, and strengthen observations.

India And Arctic Region

  • India’s engagement with the Arctic dates back to 1920 with the signing of the Svalbard Treaty in Paris.
  • Since July 2008, India has a permanent research station in the Arctic called Himadari at NyAlesund, Svalbard Area in Norway.
  • It has also deployed a multi-sensor moored observatory called IndARC in the Kongsfjorden fjord since July 2014.
  • The research in the Arctic region from India is coordinated, conducted, and promoted by the National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), Goa, under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India.
  • India enjoys ‘Observer’ status in the Arctic Council.
  • The launch of NISER (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) satellite mission in collaboration with the USA, is underway.
  • NISER aims to conduct global measurements of the cause and consequences of land surface changes using advanced radar imaging.

Arctic Science Ministerial

  • It is a grouping to strengthen scientific cooperation and collaboration among both Arctic and non-Arctic States in order to develop our understanding of the rapid changes impacting the Arctic.
  • Arctic Science Ministerial
    • First Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM1) was hosted by the United States in 2016.
    • Second Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM2) was co-hosted by Germany, Finland, and the European Commission.
    • The Third Arctic Science Ministerial will be co-hosted by Iceland and Japan and take place on the 8th and 9th of May 2021 in Tokyo, Japan.
  • ASM3 aims to use the well-established foundation of the Ministerial as a means to take action on coordinated Arctic observing and research in an open and transparent format which includes all Arctic stakeholders.

Concern over Arctic Region

  • Arctic warming and its ice melt are global concerns as they play a pivotal role in regulating climate, sea levels, and maintaining biodiversity.
  • There is growing evidence of connection between the Arctic and the Indian Ocean (which modulates the Indian monsoon).
  • Improving the understanding of physical processes and quantifying the impact of Arctic ice melt on the Indian summer monsoon is very important.

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