Aerosol Particles Below 3 nm
Source : PIB

GS II : Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment

Why in News ?

Aerosol particles below 3 nm which can reach sizes having climatic impacts, formed frequently in urban locations in India.

Key Facts
  • Scientists tracing the concentration, size and evolution of aerosol particles smaller than 3 nanometres at an urban location in India have found frequent formation of sub-3nm aerosol particles in the atmosphere.
  • This has critical importance as a major fraction of these newly formed particles can reach to sizes of cloud condensation nuclei where they have climatic impacts.
  • Scientists from the University of Hyderabad measured neutral sub-3nm particles for the first time at an urban location in India.
  • They used AIRMODUS nano Condensation Nucleus Counter (nCNC) to measure particle size distribution in the size range of 1 to 3 nm.
What is an Aerosol ?
  • The formation of small molecular clusters of sub-3nm size is technically called aerosol nucleation
  • Subsequent growth of these newly formed clusters to the large sizes is called atmospheric new particle formation (NPF).
  • NPF occurs everywhere in the terrestrial troposphere
  • Therefore it is a large source of aerosol numbers to the atmosphere.
  • Though extensively studied globally using field observations, laboratory experiments and modelling approach, it is largely unexplored in India.
What are the findings ?
  • The team found a strong positive correlation between sub-3nm particle concentrations and sulphuric acid concentrations.Aerosol Particles Below 3 nm
  • Confirming the potential role of sulfuric acid in the formation of sub-3nm particles.
  • Other vapours such as ammonia, amines and organics play a crucial role in the growth of newly formed particles.
  • These newly formed particles did not always grow to large sizes.
  • The team hypothesized that the particle growth was limited by lower concentrations of condensable vapours such as organic compounds calling for research using state-of-the-art instrumentation to understand the mechanisms driving NPF in diverse environments across India.

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