Ministry Of Labour And Employment And UNICEF
Source : PIB

GS II : Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources

Why in News ?

India signed the Statement of Intent between the Ministry of Labour and Employment and UNICEF

Key Facts

  • Leveraging the strengths of the Ministry, UNICEF and associated network members to enable abundant choices for young generation to contribute and shape our country’s future.
  • Appreciating the idea of partnership between the Ministry and UNICEF for empowering Indian youths to gain relevant skills and guidance.
  • The collaboration is a starting point to facilitate direct dialogue and feedback mechanism between youth and other stakeholders including policy makers.
  • In the next three years, both UNICEF and Ministry of Labour & Employment will make great achievement in the areas of collaboration and empowerment of Indian youth to face the future confidently.
Ministry Of Labour And Employment And UNICEF : Statement of Intent intends

  • To provide a platform for cooperation between MoLE and UNICEFMinistry Of Labour And Employment And UNICEF
  • Aims to leverage the existing mainstreamed initiatives of both parties in select states to co-create and implement solutions at scale to tackle the employment and skilling challenges for adolescents and youth in India
  • Focus on vulnerable population including young people with special needs
    • Youth leaving care institutions
    • Migrant youth
    • Victims of child labour
    • Violence
    • Child marriage
    • Trafficking and like other matter.
  • Which are the areas of collaboration ?
    1. Create linkages with aspirational economic opportunities, that is, connecting young people with employment opportunities.
    2. Upskilling of young people on 21stcentury skills including life skills, financial skills, digital skills, vocations skills and foundational skills.
    3. Strengthening National Career Service (NCS) by forming a coalition of partners to engage.
    4. Support in Job forecasting by exploring the gaps in job forecasting and work towards predicting which sectors or /jobs, or both of the economy are strengthening or weakening to build linkages to focus needs for skilling.
    5. Supporting direct dialogue and the establishment of a feedback mechanism between youth and policy stakeholders.
Indian Youth, Opportunities and COVID 19

  • According to Census 2011, every fifth person in India is a youth (15-24 years).
  • The National Career Service (NCS), launched in 2015 caters to the employment and career needs of the youth.
    • NCS has taken a number of initiatives to mitigate the challenges in the labour market even during the COVID pandemic.
    • It provides a variety of employment related services like career counseling, vocational guidance, information on skill development courses, apprenticeship, internships etc.
  • Special link for Work from Home Jobs and Online Trainings has been created on NCS portal to give direct access to job-seekers to such jobs.
Mission by UNICEF

  • Driven by its mission to deliver results for children, UNICEF has come together with its public and private sector partners to establish the YuWaah, Generation Unlimited (in short GenU) as a partnership in India.
  • GenU is a global multi-stakeholder platform that aims to prepare young people to transition to productive work and active citizenship.
  • In India, by 2030 YuWaah aims to ensure, the following
    1. Build pathways for 100 million young people to aspirational economic opportunities
    2. Facilitate 200 million young people to gain relevant skills for productive lives and the future of work
    3. Partner with 300 million young people as change makers and create spaces for developing their leadership.

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