Summer Solstice June 21
Source : Indian Express

GS I : Salient features of world’s physical geography

Why in News ?

The longest day of 2021 for those living north of the Equator is June 21. In technical terms, this day is referred to as the summer solstice, the longest day of the summer season.

Key Facts

  • Two solstices occur in a year. During solstices, sun rays fall directly on either of the tropics.
  • Earth rotates on its axis the Northern Hemisphere gets more direct sunlight between March and September over the course of a day
  • It means people living in the Northern Hemisphere experience summer during this time.
  • The rest of the year, the Southern Hemisphere gets more sunlight.
  • Earth’s axis around which the planet spins, completing one turn each day — is tilted in a way that the North Pole is tipped towards the sun and the South Pole is away from it.
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