World’s First Genetically Modified Rubber Planted In Assam
Source : Indian Express
GS III : Cultivation/Plantation
Approach “World’s First Genetically Modified Rubber Planted In Assam” : Mains
- About new Plantation
- GM Rubber and Cultivation
- Rubber Cultivation In India
Why in News ?
As a major experiment in rubber farming Rubber Board has started field trial of world’s first genetically modified (GM) rubber in Assam.
Key Facts
- Developed in the biotechnology laboratory at Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII) in Puthuppally, Kottayam, the new variety was planted at board’s Sarutari research farm in Guwahati.
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels - Rubber Board launched the field trial of the GM Rubber in Assam.
- GM Rubber is the second genetically modified crop to start field trial in India after Bt. Cotton.
- A decade before Kerala Government denied permission for the same citing its possible adverse impact on environment and apprehension on GM crops.
- Benefits of GM Rubber
- They capacity to withstand adverse climatic conditions, the GM variant is expected to give a big boost to rubber production in the country.
- It will resist reduced moisture or drought, low and high temperatures as well as high light intensity.
- Expected to cut short the maturity period of rubber, indicating chances for early yielding as well.
- Its growth will be faster and it will be ready for tapping earlier than normal rubber.
GM Rubber and Concerns
- Inserting the MnSOD gene, which was taken from the rubber plant itself.
- Its copies were multiplied in the laboratory and reinserted into a cell of the rubber plant which was then regenerated into a full plant that is now planted.
- There are no plant species in India that can breed with natural rubber.
- There is no risk of genes flowing from GM rubber into any native species, a concern often raised by environmental groups
- Authorities also dismissed concerns of antibiotic resistance genes from a plant citing that such genes would never come into contact with microbes or disease causing bacteria.
Rubber Plantation in India
- Natural rubber is planted in 16 states in India in which Kerala tops and India is the third largest natural rubber producing country of the world.
- Thailand and Indonesia are top producers in the world
- Rubber tree is a quick growing tall tree acquiring 20-30 metre height.
- Climate Required
- It requires hot and humid climate with temperature of 25°-35°C
- Annual rainfall of over 200 cm.
- The rainfall should be well distributed throughout the year.
- Well drained loamy soils on the hill slopes at elevation ranging from 300 to 450 metres above sea for best quality.
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