Glacial Lake Atlas of Ganga River Basin
Source: PIB

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What is discussed?

  1. About Atlas
  2. How it can be utilised?

Why in News?

Glacial Lake Atlas To Be Used In Carrying Out Climate Change Impact Analysis And Disaster Mitigation Planning.

Key Facts

  • The present glacial lake atlas is based on the inventoried glacial lakes in part of the Ganga River basin from its origin to the foothills of the Himalayas covering a catchment area of 2,47,109 sq. km.Glacial Lake Atlas of Ganga River Basin
  • The study portion of the Ganga River basin covers part of India and the transboundary region. T
  • The Atlas is available on the Bhuvan portal of NRSC, India WRIS Portal and the NHP website of DoWR, RD & GR.
  • Glacial lakes with a water spread area bigger than 0.25 ha were mapped using Resourcesat-2 (RS-2) Linear Imaging Self Scanning Sensor-IV (LISS-IV) satellite data and visual interpretation techniques in this work.
  • Glacial lakes are classified into nine varieties based on their formation method, location, and damming material.
  • They are further classified into four categories.
  • In the Ganga River watershed, a total of 4,707 glacial lakes have been identified, with a total lake water spread area of 20,685 hectares.

The expected utility of the Atlas:

    • It provides a comprehensive and systematic glacial lake database for the Ganga River basin with size.
    • In the context of climate change impact analysis, the atlas can be used as reference data for carrying out change analysis, both with respect to historical and future time periods.
    • The atlas also provides an authentic database for regular or periodic monitoring of changes in spatial extent (expansion/shrinkage) and the formation of new lakes.
    • The atlas can also be used in conjunction with glacier information for their retreat and climate impact studies.
    • The information on glacial lakes like their type, hydrological, topographical, and associated glaciers are useful in identifying the potential critical glacial lakes and consequent GLOF risk.
    • Central and State Disaster Management Authorities can make use of the atlas for disaster mitigation planning and related program.

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