Current Affairs 19 July 2021 – IAS Current Affairs
Current Affairs 19 July 2021 focuses on Prelims-Mains perspective. Major events are :
Registration Process for Vintage Motor Vehicles Formalised
Source : PIB
Government Policies
What is discussed under Registration Process for Vintage Motor Vehicles Formalised ?
- About the News
- Reason for Amendment
- Salient Features
Why in News ?
Ministerof Road Transport and Highways with an aim to preserve and promote the heritage of vintage vehicles, the registration process of Vintage Motor Vehicles has been formalised.
Key Facts
- No existing rules for regulating the process of registration across different states for Vintage Vehicle
- The new rules shall provide a hassle-free process along with salient features such as retention of old number for already registered vehicles and a “VA” series (Unique Registration Mark) for fresh registrations.
- Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has amended CMVR 1989 formalising the registration process of vintage motor vehicles.
- Reason for Amendment : This is aimed at preserving and promoting the heritage of old vehicles in India.
Salient Features
- Definition of Vintage Motor Vehicles
- All 2/4 wheelers, 50+ years old, maintained in their original form and which have not undergone any substantial
Photo by Bruna Soares on Unsplash overhaul, shall be defined as Vintage Motor Vehicles.
- All 2/4 wheelers, 50+ years old, maintained in their original form and which have not undergone any substantial
- Application Procedure
- Application for registration/re-registration shall be made as per Form 20
- Also shall be accompanied by an insurance policy, fee, bill of Entry in case of imported vehicles, and old RC in case of an already registered vehicle in India.
- The State Registering Authority shall issue a certificate of registration as per Form 23A, within 60 days.
- Registration
- Vehicles already registered can retain their original Registration Mark.
- For fresh registration, registration mark will be assigned as “XX VA YY*”, where VA stands for vintage, XX stands for State Code, YY will be a two-letter series and “8” is a number from 0001 to 9999 allotted by the State Registering Authority.
- Fees for a new registration – Rs. 20,000 and subsequent re-registration – Rs. 5,000.
- Condition
- Vintage motor vehicles shall not be driven on roads for regular/commercial purposes.
Monsoon Session of Parliament For UPSC
Source : PIB
Indian Polity
What is discussed under Monsoon Session of Parliament For UPSC ?
- About Indian Parliament
- Monsoon Session of Parliament
Why in News ?
Monsoon Session of Parliament, 2021 will commence from Monday, the 19th of July, and continue till 13th August.
Key Facts
- During the 19 sittings of the session, 31 Government business items (including 29 Bills and 2 financial items) will be taken up. Six bills will be brought to replace the ordinances.
- About Indian Parliament
- Indian democratic system adopted the parliamentary form of government and also known as Westminster model of government.
- From Articles 79 to 122 in Part V of the Constitution deal with the organisation, composition, duration, officers, procedures, privileges, powers and so on of the Parliament.
- Parliament of India consists of three parts viz, the President, the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) and the House of the People (Lok Sabha).
- Rajya Sabha has 245 members.
- 229 members represent the states, 4 members represent the union territories and 12 members are nominated by the president.
- The maximum strength of the Lok Sabha is fixed at 552.
- 530 members are to be the representatives of the states, 20 members are to be the representatives of the union territories and 2 members are to be nominated by the president from the Anglo-Indian community.
- Session of Parliament
- President from time to time summons each House of Parliament to meet.
- The maximum gap between two sessions of Parliament cannot be more than six months.
- Usually three sessions in a year :
1.Budget Session (February to May)
2. Monsoon Session (July to September)
3. Winter Session (November to December)
Monsoon Session of Parliament
- A session of Parliament consists of many meetings.
- Each meeting of a day consists of two sittings, that is, a morning sitting from 11 am to 1 pm and post-lunch sitting from 2 pm to 6 pm.
- Terms Related to Sessions
- Question Hour
- First hour of every parliamentary sitting the members ask questions and the ministers usually give answers.
- The questions are of three kinds, namely, starred, unstarred and short notice.
- Zero Hour
- zero hour is not mentioned in the Rules of Procedure starts immediately after the question hour and lasts until the agenda for the day.
- Members of the Parliament to raise matters without any prior notice.
- Motions
- Substantive Motion : It is a self-contained independent proposal dealing with a very important matter like impeachment of the President or removal of Chief Election Commissioner.
- Substitute Motion : It is a motion that is moved in substitution of an original motion and proposes an alternative to it. If adopted by the House, it supersedes the original motion.
- Subsidiary Motion : It is a motion that, by itself, has no meaning and cannot state the decision of the House without reference to the original motion or proceedings of the House.
- Ancillary Motion
- Superseding Motion
- Amendment
- Calling Attention Motion : To call the attention of a minister to a matter of urgent public importance.
- Privilege Motion : Concerned with the breach of parliamentary privileges by a minister.
- Closure Motion : To cut short the debate on a matter before the House.
- Adjournment Motion : Extraordinary Motion to draw attention of the House to a definite matter of urgent public importance with a support of 50 members.
- No-Confidence Motion : On loosing upon confidence of Government or Ministers. Here also motion needs the support of 50 members to be admitted.
- Question Hour
- Termination of Session
- An adjournment : Suspends the work in a sitting for a specified time, which may be hours, days or weeks.
- Adjournment Sine Die : Terminating a sitting of Parliament for an indefinite period.
- Prorogation : Speaker or Chairman declares the House adjourned sine die, when the business of a session is completed.
- Dissolution : Ends the very life of the existing House (Lok Sabha). Rajya Sabha is a permanent House and not subject to dissolution.
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