Indian Antarctic Bill 2022
Source : PIB

GS II : Governance

What is discussed under Indian Antarctic Bill 2022 ?

  1. Background
  2. Importance of Law 
  3. Features of the Bill
  4. Indian Ambitions in Antartica
  5. Treaties related to Antartica
  6. About Antartica

Why in News ?

Lok Sabha passes the Indian Antarctic Bill 2022 aimed at having India’s own national measures for protecting the Antarctic environment and dependent and associated ecosystem.

Key Facts

The main aim is to ensure de-militarization of the region along with getting it rid of mining or illegal activities. It also aims that there should not be any nuclear test / explosion in the region.


    • The bill is in pursuant to India’s accession to Antarctic Treaty, the Protocol on Environment Protection (Madrid Protocol) to the Antarctic Treaty and to the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

Importance of Law 

    • Also facilitate India’s interest and pro-active involvement in the management of growing Antarctic tourism and sustainable development of fisheries resources in Antarctic waters.
    • It will also help in increased international visibility, credibility of India in Polar governance leading to international collaboration and cooperation in scientific and logistics fields.
    • The enforcement of such laws will confer Jurisdiction on the courts of India to deal with any dispute or crimes committed in parts of Antarctica.
    • Legislation of such a kind will bind the citizens to the policies of the Antarctic treaty system. This will also be useful in building credibility and enhance the status of the Country globally.

Features of the Bill

    • Bill proposed to set-up Indian Antarctic Authority (IAA) under the Ministry of Earth Sciences.
      Indian Antarctic Bill 2022
      Photo by Derek Oyen on Unsplash
      • It shall be the apex decision making authority and  facilitate programmes and activities permitted under the Bill.
    • Provide a stable, transparent and accountable process for the sponsorship and supervision of Antarctic research and expeditions.
    • The Bill ensure the protection and preservation of the Antarctic environment also ensure compliance by Indian citizens engaged in the Antarctic programs and activities with relevant rules and internationally agreed standards.
    • Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences will be the Chairperson of the IAA and the IAA will have official members from the concerned India Ministries and decisions will be by consensus.
    • Prohibits drilling, dredging, excavation or collection of mineral resources or even doing anything to identify where such mineral deposits occur except for scientific reason and research.
    • Animals, birds, plants or microscopic organisms that are not native to Antarctica are also prohibited.
    • Also provides for Indian tour operators to be able to operate in Antarctica after acquiring a permit.

Indian Ambitions in Antartica

    • Two operational research stations in Antarctica named
      1. Maitri (Commissioned in 1989)
      2. Bharati (Commissioned in 2012)
    • Besdides India successfully launched 40 annual scientific expeditions to Antarctica till date.
    • With Himadri station in Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, Arctic, India now belongs to the elite group of nations that have multiple research stations within the Polar Regions.

Treaties related to Antartica

  1. The Antarctic Treaty
    • Signed at Washington D.C. on the 1st December, 1959 and was initially signed by 12 countries.
    • Since then, 42 other countries have acceded to the Treaty.
    • A total of fifty-four State Parties to the Treaty, twenty-nine countries have the status of Consultative Party with a right to vote in the Antarctic Consultative Meetings and twenty-five countries are Non-Consultative Parties having no right to vote.
    • India signed the Antarctic Treaty on the 19th August, 1983 and received the consultative status on the 12th September, 1983.
  2. Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
    • Signed at Canberra on the 20th day of May, 1980,
    • Formed for the protection and preservation of the Antarctic environment and, in particular, for the preservation and conservation of marine living resources in Antarctica.
    • India ratified the Convention on 17th June, 1985 and is a member of the Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources under that Convention.
  3. Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
    • Signed at Madrid on 4th October, 1991
    • Aims to strengthen the Antarctic Treaty system and for the development of a comprehensive regime for the protection of the Antarctic environment and dependent and associated ecosystems.
    • India signed the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty on 14th January, 1998.
About Antartica
  • Antarctica lies south of 60 ñ South Latitude.
  • It is a natural reserve, devoted to peace and science and should not become the scene or object of any international discord.
  • Antarctica is Earth’s southernmost continent.
  • It contains the geographic South Pole and is situated in the Antarctic region of the Southern Hemisphere.
  • It is the fifth largest continent.
  • Nearly 40 permanent stations established by several countries, including India, for carrying out scientific research.

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