Current Affairs 06 August 2022 – IAS Current Affairs

Current Affairs 06 August 2022 focuses on Prelims-Mains perspective. Major events are :

Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine

Source : PIB
GS II : Governance

What is discussed under Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine ?

  1. About the Commission
  2. How it helps ?

Why in News ?

The Government of India has established Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy (PCIM&H) as a subordinate office under Ministry of Ayush by merging Pharmacopoeia Commission of Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy (PCIM&H) and the two central laboratories namely

  1. Pharmacopoeia Laboratory for Indian Medicine (PLIM), Ghaziabad
  2. Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory (HPL) 
Key Facts

Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy (PCIM&H)

    • The Commission is engaged in development of Pharmacopoial Standards for Ayurvedic, Unani, Siddha & Homoeopathic drugs.

      Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine
      Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay
    • Also acting as Central Drug Testing cum Appellate Laboratory for Indian systems of Medicine & Homoeopathy.
    • Pharmacopoeia is an officially recognized book of standards as per the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules 1945 there under.
    • As per the Second Schedule of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, it is designated as the official book of standards for drugs imported and/or manufactured for sale, stock or exhibition for sale or distribution in India.
    • It specifies the standards of drugs manufactured and marketed in India in terms of their identity, purity and strength.

How this merger Helps?

    • This will enhance the infrastructural facilities, technical manpower and financial resources these organisation.
    • It will facilitate focused and cohesive development of standards of AYUSH drugs and publication of pharmacopoeias and formularies.

Current Status 

    • After re-establishment, a total of 1483 samples of ASU&H drugs have been tested during 6th July, 2020 to till date and 03 Pharmacopoeial monographs along with their formulary specifications for AYUSH Kwath related formulation has been published.
    • Apart from Pharmacopoeial Monographs, National Formulary for Unani Medicines, Part-IV (2nd Edition) comprising formulary specifications of 166 formulations have also be published.

Operation Yatri Suraksha RPF Pan India Drive

Source : PIB
GS II : Various Security forces and agencies and their mandate

What is discussed under Operation Yatri Suraksha RPF Pan India Drive ?

  1. About the Drive
  2. Current Status 

Why in News ?

Railway Protection Force (RPF) is an Armed Force of the Union under Ministry of Railways entrusted with the responsibility of security of railway property, passenger area and passengers.

Key Facts

What is the aim ?

    • Railway Protection Force (RPF) is an Armed Force of the Union under Ministry of Railways entrusted with the responsibility of security of railway property, passenger area and passengers.

      Operation Yatri Suraksha RPF Pan India Drive
      Image by David Mark from Pixabay
    • With the aim of improving the security of passengers travelling by Indian Railways, RPF has launched a Pan-India Operation under the code name “Operation Yatri Suraksha”.
    • As part of this initiative, several steps are being taken to provide foolproof security to passengers i.e. Train Escorting, visible presence on stations, Surveillance through CCTV, Surveillance on active criminals, collection of intelligence about the criminals and action thereupon, identifying black spots and crime prone trains/sections and enhancing security thereat among others to formulate an actionable strategy to reduce crime against passengers.
    • Regular coordination is being made with all the stake holders and joint action is planned to improve passenger security regularly.
    • In order to give an impetus to Operation Yatri Suraksha, a month long pan India drive was launched against criminals targeting passengers in July 2022 by RPF.

What is the status ? 

    • During the drive, 365 suspects were nabbed by RPF personnel and were handed over to the concerned GRPs for legal action based on which 322 cases of Passenger Crime i.e. theft of Passenger Belongings, Drugging, Robbery, Chain Snatching etc. were detected.
    • Stolen property of passengers worth more than Rs. 1 Crore was recovered either from the possession of these criminals or in course of investigation of these offences.
    • RPF will continue its efforts to enhance security of passengers over Indian Railways in future too by launching drives, improving response, infusing technology and innovation in its working to enhance its response, effectiveness and reach and to realize its objective of SEWA HI SANKALP.

India-China Hold Talks To Avoid Airspace Violations Along LAC

Source : The Hindu
GS II : Internatoinal Relaton

What is discussed under India-China Hold Talks To Avoid Airspace Violations Along LAC ?

  1. About the talks
  2. What is the background?
  3. International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)

Why in News ?

India and China discussed ways to better establish understanding to manage airspace and avoid airspace violations along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

Key Facts

What is the background?

    • These talks come in the backdrop of the recent airspace violations by Chinese fighter jets as they came very close to the LAC while takingpart in annual exercises, prompting the Indian Air Force to scramble its fighters.
    • Since June, which has seen Chinese fighters often violate the 10-km no-fly zone CBM along the LAC.
    • The issue of recent violations was raised by the Indian side during the talks, it has been learnt.
    • Existing Agreements : India and China, operation of fighter aircraft and armed helicopters is restricted to a distance from the LAC.

Agreement on Maintenance of Peace and Tranquillity along the LAC in India-China Border Area of 1996 combat aircraft (to include fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, military trainer, armed helicopter and other armed aircraft) shall not fly within 10 km of the LAC.

About the discusion

    • This was discussed during the routine Confidence Building Measures (CBM) talks on the ground in eastern Ladakh.

      India-China Talks To Avoid Airspace Violations Along LAC
      Photo by Clayton Holmes on Unsplash
    • CBM  are a set of confidence building measures were agreed upon by India and China to maintain peace between the two countries Between 1993 and 2012.

What is Line of Control?

    • The LAC is not fully demarcated and there are differences of perception on the alignment due to which such incidents keep happening, another official noted.
    • To maintain peace and tranquillity along the LAC, the two sides regularly hold talks at various levels on the ground.
    • LOC is a 450 mile-long military control line which serves as a frontier slicing the disputed Indian and Pakistani governed parts of Kashmir into two.

International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)

    • ICAO is a United Nations (UN) specialized agency which laid the foundation for the standards and procedures for peaceful global air navigation.
    • India is one of the ICAO’s founder members.
    • ICAO headquarters is located in Montreal, Canada.
    • Chicago Convention 1944 was held which led to the formation of International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

Unmarried Women Under Abortion Law

Source : PIB
GS II : Governance

What is discussed under Unmarried Women Under Abortion Law ?

  1. Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act
  2. SC on the  abortion law for Unmarried Women

Why in News ?

SC denying an unmarried woman the right to safe abortion violates her personal autonomy and the Supreme Court will now interpret the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act and the related rules to see if unmarried women could be allowed to abort a 24-week pregnancy on medical advice.

Key Facts

What is Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act 2021?

    • Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 was passed with respect to safer abortions and India amended the MTP Act 1971 to further empower women by providing comprehensive abortion care to all.

      Unmarried Women Under Abortion Law SC View
      Photo by Luise and Nic on Unsplash
    • Pregnancy may be terminated up to 20 weeks by a married woman in the case of failure of contraceptive method or device.
    • It allows unmarried women to also terminate a pregnancy for this reason.
    • Opinion for Termination of Pregnancy
      • Opinion of two Registered Medical Practitioner (RMP) for termination of pregnancy of 20-24 weeks of gestation below 20 weeks Opinion of two RMP.
      • Opinion of the State-level medical board is essential for a pregnancy to be terminated after 24 weeks.
    • Increased the upper gestation limit from 20 to 24 weeks for special categories of women, including survivors of rape, victims of incest and other vulnerable women.
    • Privacy : A registered medical practitioner may only reveal the details of a woman whose pregnancy has been terminated to a person authorised by law.
      • Violation is punishable with imprisonment up to a year, a fine, or both.
    • Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act 1971
      • Only applies for married women.
      • 20 weeks for all.
      • For breaching the confidentiality 10,000 fine will be there.
      • For 12 weeks one RPM opinion and for 20 weeks two RPM opinion required.

SC on the  abortion law for Unmarried Women

    • The need to bring unmarried women at parity with married women with regard to termination of pregnancy under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act 1971.
    • Distinction between a married and unmarried woman does not bear a nexus to the basic purpose and object which is sought to be achieved by Parliament, which is conveyed specifically by the provisions of Explanation 1 to Section 3 of the Act.
    • Section 3(2)(b) of the Act (which allows termination of pregnancies up to 24 weeks) to unmarried women as well to enable them to terminate pregnancies which are 20-24 weeks old.
    • The word used in the relevant section of the Act is ‘partner’ and not ‘husband’, which clarifies the Legislature’s intent.
    • A woman’s right to reproductive choice is an inseparable part of her personal liberty under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.

Skylight Exercise Space Domain Capabilities

Source : The Hindu
GS II : International Relation; GS III :  Internal Security

What is discussed under Skylight Exercise Space Domain Capabilities ?

  1. About the Exercise
  2. Need for the Exercise
  3. Indian Army’s Satellite GSAT-7B

Why in News ?

China having developed deadly weapons for space, cyberspace and electronic warfare Indian Army has conducted a major pan-India exercise Skylight

Key Facts

About the Exercise

    • Aims to test the operational readiness and robustness of its hi-tech satellite communication systems in the event of an attack by an
      Skylight Exercise Space Domain Capabilities
      Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay


    • This exercise, conducted by Indian Army, was the first of its kind large-scale exercise to boost its space domain capabilities.
    • The army is on course to get its own satellite by December 2025.
    • All satellite communication assets of the Indian Army were activated during this exercise.

Need for the Exercise

    • The army has also carried out a detailed study of cyber and electromagnetic warfare in the Russia-Ukraine war.
    • Established the efficacy of a reliable satellite communication system like Starlink that can provide high-speed internet services to remote areas.
    • India wants to leverage space capabilities for supporting a variety of military operations and complex aerospace technology has begun impacting military operations, and communications, in particular.
    • The northern borders with China are a primary area of concern because of the challenges related to topography.
    • Apart from conventional military capabilities, China is leagues ahead in space, cyberspace, robotics, lethal autonomous weapon systems, artificial intelligence and the like, with PLA’s longstanding thrust on informatised and intelligentised  warfare.
    • Indian Army has been dependent on GSAT-7A and other satellites for communication systems.

India has only two dedicated military satellites : GSAT-7 (Rukmini) and GSAT-7A (Angry Bird). They are used by the Indian Navy and Air Force respectively.

Indian Army’s Satellite GSAT-7B

    • The satellite would help the Indian Army enhance its surveillance in border areas.
    • Expected that the state of the art, multi-band, military-grade satellite for the communication and surveillance needs of the Army.

Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act 2022

Source : PRS India
GS II : Governance

What is discussed under Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act 2022?

  1. About the Act
  2. How it helps

Why in News ?

Recently, the Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act which was passed by the Parliament and came into force.

Key Facts

Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act 2022

    • Identification of Prisoners Act, 1920 allows police officers to collect certain identifiable information (fingerprints and footprints) of persons including convicts and arrested persons.
    • In March 2003, the Expert Committee on Reforms of the Criminal Justice System recommended amending the 1920 Act to empower the Magistrate to authorise the collection of data such as blood samples for DNA, hair, saliva, and semen.
    • Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill, 2022 was introduced in Lok Sabha on March 28, 2022.
    • The Bill seeks to replace the Identification of Prisoners Act, 1920.

Key Features of the Act

    • The Act expands
      1. The type of data that may be collected
      2. Persons from whom such data may be collected
      3. Authority that may authorise such collection.

        Criminal Procedure Identification Act 2022
        Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
    • It also provides for the data to be stored in a central database.
    • Under both the 1920 Act and the 2022 Bill, resistance or refusal to give data will be considered an offence of obstructing a public servant from doing his duty.
    • Data permitted to be collected
      • Fingerprints, foot-print impressions, photographs
    • Persons whose data may be collected
      • Convicted or arrested for offences punishable with rigorous imprisonment of one year or more.
      • Persons ordered to give security for good behaviour or maintaining peace.
      • Magistrate may order in other cases collection from any arrested person to aid criminal investigation.
    • Persons who may require/ direct collection of data
      • Investigating officer, officer in charge of a police station, or of rank Sub-Inspector or above.
      • Magistrate
    • The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) will be the central agency to maintain the records.
    • Retaining or Data Deletion 
      • Data collected will be retained in digital or electronic form for 75 years.
      • Records will be destroyed in case of persons who are acquitted after all appeals, or released without trial.
      • However, in such cases, a Court or Magistrate may direct the retention of details after recording reasons in writing.


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