Drought A Planetary Disaster In 2022
Source : Down to Earth
GS III : Environment
What is discussed under Drought A Planetary Disaster In 2022?
- Key Facts in Studies
- What is Drought?
- Way Forward
Why in News ?
Climate change is fuelling the intensity of drought in already vulnerable regions while tightening its grip on not-so-vulnerable areas a study has revealed.
Key Facts in Studies
- This is the first time that drought as a disaster has become planetary as, in Africa, Europe, North America and Asia, nearly 300 million people are in the grip of drought.
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash - Nearly half of the US is dry, East Africa is suffering from its worst drought in four decades, and the worst drought on record is affecting France and Portugal, among other nations.
- Drought has the potential to become a deadly disaster because it accounts for 15% of all natural disasters worldwide but has killed 0.65 million people between 1970 and 2019 making it the deadliest one.
- UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) : Losing 12 million hectares of land every year to drought and desertification.
- International Organization for Migration : By 2050 around 215 million people could be displaced due to drought and other climate-related factors.
- Drought may affect two-thirds of the world’s population by 2050.
- Also reveals the worst facet of the changing climate as it affects two fundamental resources: Land and water.
World Scenario
- As a result of extended dry periods and frequent droughts, every fifth person on earth experiences water stress.
- Although this catastrophe has primarily affected Africa, Europe has also had 45 significant droughts over the past century.
- Drought affects 15% of Europe’s territory on average, but 60% of areas have been affected by the present drought.
About India
- Odisha, Jharkhand and those in the North East are already under drought-like conditions.
- Notwithstanding the severe floods that hit these areas in August.
What is Drought?
- According to World Health Organisation , in the natural climate cycle, a drought is an extended dry spell that can happen anywhere in the world.
- On health, agriculture, economy, energy, and the environment, drought can have a devastating impact.
- Droughts affect 55 million people worldwide each year and pose the greatest threat to livestock and crops in almost every region of the world.
What are the causes of Drought?
- Insufficient rainfall and high temperatures
- Excessive use of surface and groundwater resources
- Poor water management techniques can cause the demand for water to exceed the supply
- Temperature changes between land and water
- Changes in air circulation and erratic weather patterns
- Human activities such as land use changes, deforestation, urbanisation, pollution
Impact of Drought
- Causes water and food shortages
- Drought may have acute and chronic health effects
- Severe drought can also affect air quality
How is a drought declared in India?
- According to the Manual for Drought Management and the established revised guidelines for drought declaration, severity of the drought is determined by looking at the following four types of indices:
- Rainfall-related indices
- Remote sensing-based vegetation indices
- Crop situation-related indices
- Hydrological indices
- If all three chosen indicators are in the Severe category it amounts to Severe Drought
- If two of the three chosen impact indicators are in the ‘moderate’ or ‘severe’ class, it amounts to Moderate Drought.
- Rainfall is considered to be the most important while others are looked at in combination with rainfall.
- When a drought is identified, the state government must notify the public and explain its geographic scope ,unless revoked sooner, the notification is valid for six months.
Drought Management in India
- The National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) and State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) constituted under 2005 Disaster Management Act, provide immediate drought relief to the affected people.
- National Disaster Management Cell monitors the drought situation in different states.
- National Calamity Contingency Fund from the Government deals with calamities of severe nature.
- Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) seeks to lessen the suffering experienced by the insured farmers by reducing the risk of financial loss due to expected crop loss brought on by unfavourable weather conditions such as rainfall, temperature, wind, humidity, etc.
Way Forward
- It is obvious that we need to be better equipped to lessen the effects of a drought as the country continues to experience scarce rainfall and declining water levels.
- Understanding the hazards and urgency would be made easier with access to reliable water information
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