Scandinavian Social Democracy
Source: Hindu

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What is discussed under Scandinavian Social Democracy?

  1. What is the Nordic Model of Democracy?
  2. Reasons for Thriving Social Democratic Model

Why in News?

The formation of a new right-wing administration in Sweden challenges the Nordic (or Scandinavian) Model of Social Democracy.

Key Facts

  • While the Social Democrats returned as the single largest party in Sweden’s recent elections, a split mandate left them with just 30.33% of the vote share.
  • The Social Democrats’ alliance, which also included the Centre Party, the Left Party, and the Green Party, had 173 seats, while the right-wing coalition led by the Moderate Party had 176.
  • The Moderate Party received 68 seats, two fewer than its previous result in 2018.
  • However, the far-right Sweden Democrats received 73 seats and 20.54% of the vote.
What is the Nordic Model of Democracy?

  • There are three Scandinavian nations geographically (Denmark, Sweden, and Norway).

    Scandinavian Social Democracy
    Image by WikiImages from Pixabay
  • Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Finland, and the Faroe Islands are the six Scandinavian nations in terms of culture.
  • Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland are all part of the Nordic Region, as are the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and land.
  • The Nordic model, often known as the Scandinavian model, is the combination of Nordic nations’ social welfare and economic systems (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland).
  • It mixes capitalist aspects such as a market economy with social advantages such as state pensions and income distribution.
  • The systems in Scandinavian nations are more akin to traditional social democrats.
  • All of these nations likewise follow a capitalist growth paradigm.

Advantages of the Nordic Model

  • The Nordic model promotes social mobility and equality.
  • Everyone gets free access to quality public services, including some of the world’s top education and healthcare, and people are content to pay their taxes to ensure that this continues.
  • These common advantages are combined with entrepreneurship, resulting in an effective mix of capitalism and socialism—or “cuddly capitalism,” as some put it.

Criticism of the Nordic Model

  • High taxes, a high level of government intervention, and relatively low GDP and productivity are factors limiting economic progress.
  • The nordic model redistributes assets, restricts the amount of money available for personal spending and consumption, and promotes dependency on government-subsidized programmes.
  • The Challenges faced by the Nordic model are the ageing population and influx of immigrants
Reasons for Thriving Social Democratic Model

  • The Nordic nations’ smaller and more homogeneous populations allow for more concentrated government.
  • The corporatist paradigm, which involves both capital and labour interests and is mediated by the government, has allowed for a more seamless transition from rural to industrial to post-industrial economies.
  • They emphasised social policies that encourage the spread of modern manufacturing, resulting in more and better-paying employment.
  • These nations’ Social Democratic Parties cemented democracy, resulting in equal citizenship rights and pragmatic class concessions.

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