Quad Grouping
Source: Hindu

GS II:  International Relation

What is discussed under Quad Grouping?

  1. What is Quad?
  2. Opportunities for India Under Quad Arrangement
  3. Issues Related to Quad

Why in News?
  • Foreign ministers of the Quad countries – India, Australia, Japan, and the United States – met in New York on the margins of the UN General Assembly.
  • The countries signed the Quad Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Partnership for the Indo-Pacific, which was discussed and agreed upon at the Quad’s Tokyo summit.
Key Highlights

  • The guidelines will allow the four countries to collaborate and coordinate more on issues such as climate catastrophe response.
  • Other projects are in the works, such as the STEM fellowship and the economic framework as well as marine domain knowledge.
  • The member nations will coordinate their disaster response efforts in the Indo-Pacific area with other national and international agencies, as well as commercial non-governmental groups, under the HADR.
Opportunities for India Under Quad Arrangement

  • Countering China
    Quad Grouping
    Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
    • The marine space is far more vital to China than opportunistic land grabs in the Himalayas.
    • In the case of Chinese border aggression, India, in collaboration with the Quad nations, has the capacity to impair Chinese commerce.
  • Emerging as a net security provider
    • The introduction of the concept of ‘Indo-Pacific’ has heightened great power interest in the maritime sector.
    • With India in the epicentre of the Indo-Pacific geopolitical imagination, the vision of a “broader Asia” that may extend its influence beyond geographical bounds can be realised.
Issues Related to Quad

  • Despite the possibility of collaboration, the Quad remains a mechanism without a stated strategic objective.
  • The Quad’s whole concentration on the Indo-Pacific transforms it into a marine rather than a land-based association, raising issues about whether collaboration extends beyond the Asia-Pacific and Eurasian areas.
  • The fact that India is the sole member who opposes a treaty alliance arrangement has hindered progress toward a greater Quadrilateral engagement.

What is QUAD?

  • In the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, Australia, Japan, India, and the United States organised a Regional Core Group.
  • In 2006, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe advocated an “Arc of Freedom and Prosperity.”
  • The inaugural Quad meeting took place in May 2007 as officials convened for the ASEAN Regional Forum conference.
  • It seeks to secure and maintain an Indo-Pacific area that is “free, open, and prosperous.”

Significance of QUAD grouping

  • All four countries have a strong interest in keeping the Indo-Pacific power balance steady and avoiding a regional state from becoming dominant.
  • All four governments are interested in discouraging the use of force or coercion to settle political and territorial conflicts in the area.
  • All four governments are committed to the present Indo-Pacific rules-based economic system.
    • This is founded on free trade, open investment environments, open competitive tenders, the rule of law, and strong governance standards, all of which continue to benefit everyone.
  • All four countries are in favour of strengthening liberal democratic governance in the Indo-Pacific.
    • The region has not been immune to the global slide in political and civil liberties adherence.

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