Current Affairs 04 October 2022 – IAS Current Affairs

Current Affairs 04 October 2022 focuses on Prelims-Mains perspective. Major events are :

Mediation Bill 2021

Source : PRS India
GS II : Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate

What is discussed under Mediation Bill 2021?

  1. Features of the The Mediation Bill, 2021
  2. Need for Bill
Why in News ?

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Law and Justice also recommended changes to the Mediation Bill that was introduced in the Rajya Sabha in 2021 with an aim to reduce the pendency of cases in courts.

Features of the The Mediation Bill, 2021

  • The Bill requires persons to try to settle civil or commercial disputes through mediation before approaching any court or tribunalMediation Bill 2021
  • A party may withdraw from mediation after two mediation sessions.
  • The mediation process must be completed within 180 days, which may be extended by another 180 days by the parties.
  • Mediation Council of India will be set up.
    • Functions include registering mediators, and recognising mediation service providers and mediation institutes.
  • If the parties agree, they may appoint any person as a mediator otherwise may apply to a mediation service provider to appoint a person from its panel of mediators.
  • Agreements resulting from mediation will be binding and enforceable in the same manner as court judgments.
  • Disputes not fit for mediation
    • Relating to claims against minors or persons of unsound mind
    • Involving criminal prosecution
    • Affecting the rights of third parties.
    • The central government may amend this list.
  • Mediated settlement agreement
    • Agreements resulting from mediation (other than community mediation) will be final, binding, and enforceable in the same manner as court judgments.
    • They may be challenged on grounds of  fraud, corruption, impersonation, and relating to disputes not fit for mediation.
Recommendation by Parliament standing Committee

  • Exclusion of State and Centre : Recommended not excluding government-related disputes from the bill’s ambit as mentioned in Clause 2 (2) to exclude the Central and state governments from non-commercial disputes with the government as one of the parties.
  • Contradictory Clause : Clauses 6, 7, 8, 9 and schedule 1 of the bill are interconnected and contradictory at the same time
  • International Mediation : Definition of international mediation in the bill and the provisions of the Singaporean Convention are incorporated into the bill, India has not ratified UNISA (United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreement) yet.
  • Time limit of 180 days to complete the mediation process is too long and it recommended reducing the time limit to 90 days and further an extension period of 60 days instead of 180 days.
Need for Bill

  • As India is a signatory to the Singapore Convention on Mediation.
  • India do not have legislation for mediation in India.
United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreement

  • Also known as the Singapore Convention on Mediation applies to international settlement agreements resulting from mediation.
  • The Convention entered into force on 12 September 2020.
  • It establishes a harmonized legal framework for the right to invoke settlement agreements as well as for their enforcement.
  • Facilitation of international trade and the promotion of mediation as an alternative and effective method of resolving trade disputes.
  • The agreement is binding.
  • 55 states have signed the convention and 8 states have deposited their respective instruments of ratification or approval.
  • India is a signatory of the agreement but not ratified yet.

Prachand : Light Combat Helicopter (LCH)

Source : Indian Express
GS III : Science and Technology; GS III : Internal Security

What is discussed under Prachand : Light Combat Helicopter (LCH)?

  1. About Light Combat Helicopter (LCH), Prachand
Why in News ?

The Indian Air Force Monday formally inducted the indigenously developed multi-role Light Combat Helicopter (LCH), Prachand which is suitable for operating in high-altitude battlefields, and capable of destroying enemy air defence and engaging in counter-insurgency operations.

Key Facts

  • The first batch of 10 LCH four inducted into the IAF’s 143 Helicopter Unit at the Jodhpur Air Force Station.
  • The induction marks India becoming the seventh country to make attack helicopters.
  • LCH is a result of the two-decade-long research and development.
  • LCH is the only attack helicopter in the world that can fly and take off at an altitude of 5,000 metres.

India has been operating sub 3 ton category French-origin legacy helicopters, Chetak and Cheetah, made in India by the HAL.

About Light Combat Helicopter (LCH), Prachand

  • The LCH is a 5.5-tonne class dedicated combat helicopter designed and developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL).
  • LCH is powered by two French-origin Shakti engines manufactured by the HAL.
  • As far as weapons systems are concerned, a 20 mm turret gun, 70 mm rockets and air-to-air missile systems are onboard.
  • It can also counter slow-moving aircraft and Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs).
  • Insurgency warfare, combat search and rescue, anti-tank, and operations against surface forces are just a few of the combat missions that LCH is capable of performing.

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