Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Forestry Report: FAO
Source : PIB
GS III : Environment
What is discussed under Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Forestry Report: FAO?
- What is Mainstreaming Biodiversity?
- Recommendations of the report
- Food and Agriculture Organization
Why in News ?
Based on recently released report by Food and Agriculture Organisation Mainstreaming biodiversity in, production forests has been cited as Supreme
Key Facts
What is Mainstreaming Biodiversity?
In order to encourage the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, Mainstreaming Biodiversity involves integrating biodiversity issues into the policies, plans, and practises of significant public and private players.
- The non-profit Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the leading centre of the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees, and Agroforestry, and FAO collaborated to develop the report.
FAO’s forestry statutory body, Committee on Forestry (COFO), had asked FAO to review biodiversity mainstreaming in forestry in its 25th session in 2020.
What are the challenges to Mainstreaming Biodiversity?

- Deforestation
- Over-harvesting
- Weak Governance like inadequate definitions of institutional mandates
- Illegal Forest Activities
Recommendations of the report
- Halting and reversing deforestation
- Combating illegal and unregulated forest activities
- Recognising the forest tenure of Indigenous Peoples and local communities
- Preventing the conversion of natural forests into monospecific forest plantations
- Ensuring the sustainable management of harvested species
- Managing and controlling invasive and overabundant species
- Leveraging global momentum on restoration to enhance biodiversity conservation
- Adopting a multisectoral perspective
- Providing economic incentives
- Facilitating market-based instruments
- Investing in knowledge and capacity development
Important rules and regulation for the governance of forest in India
- Forest Conservation Act, 1980
- Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2022
- Environment Protection Act of 1986
- Wildlife Protection Act of 1972
- Biodiversity Diversity Act of 2002
- Article 51 A (g) of the Constitution states that it shall be the Fundamental Duty of every citizen to protect and improve the natural environment including forests and Wildlife.
Food and Agriculture Organization
- Headquarters Rome, Italy
- A specialized agency of the United Nationsthat leads international efforts to defeat hunger.
- Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO acts as a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate arguments and debate policy.
- FAO is also a source of knowledge and information, and helps developing countries in transition modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices, ensuring good nutrition and food security for all.
- Its motto is “Let there be bread”.
- It has 194 member states, along with the European Union (member organization).
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