G20’s First Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group and Impact
Source : PIB

GS II : Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate; GS III : Environment

What is discussed under G20’s First Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group and Impact?

  1. About the meeting
  2. How G20 can contribute to Climate Change and Environment?
  3. What is G20 or Group of Twenty?

Why in News ?

India will be holding the Presidency of G20 for one year till 30th November 2023. The forum will bring together the G20 member countries, guest countries and international organizations invited by India.

Key Facts

About the meeting

  • Through the Sherpa Track, 13 Working Groups and 2 Initiatives will meet under India’s Presidency to discuss priorities and provide
    G20's First Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group and Impact
    Image by Anja from Pixabay


  • Environment, Climate & Sustainability is one of working groups under the Sherpa Track.
  • It has scheduled four meetings of the Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group (ECSWG), which will be hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.

Focus of the meeting

  • Conference mainly focused on Master Planning and Building the National Capacity for species Management & Conservation Breeding.
  • Briefly the discussions at ECSWG will focus on the following agenda
    1. Promotion of Blue Economy along with Coastal Sustainability
    2. Restoration of Degraded Lands and Ecosystems
    3. Enhancement of Biodiversity
    4. Strengthening of Circular Economy

How India can showcase the effort?

  • Mysuru zoo, one of the best managed zoos in India, was chosen as a venue to focus on best practices in zoo management.
  • The State Forest Department will also showcase the forest restoration models adopted in these ecosystems and the successful revival of faunal biodiversity.
  • The Bannerghatta Biological Park will showcase the state-of-art butterfly park and animal safaris to the delegates.
How G20 can contribute to Climate Change and Environment?

  • The G20 countries have a special role to combat climate change as they are responsible for a majority of global emissions.
  • This year’s Climate Transparency Report 2022 shows that G20 members are undermining climate efforts and fossil fuel production subsidies surge to highest levels ever in 2021.

Where G20 lagging behind?

  • G20 members account for around 85% of global GDP, 75% of international trade and two-thirds of the world’s population, and are responsible for around three-quarters of global emissions.
  • The USA is estimated to be responsible for 25% of global emissions, followed by the EU (22%), China (12.7%), Russia ((6%), Japan (4%), and India (3%).

  • Although most countries have submitted stronger NDC targets over time (except for Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Russia),
    their overall level of ambition and action is still insufficient to meet 1.5°C.
  • The UK is the only country with an overall rating of almost sufficient.
What is G20 or Group of Twenty?

  • The G20 was founded in 1999 with the aim of examining methods to guarantee financial stability around the world.
  • It is an intergovernmental body comprised of the European Union (EU) and 19 other nations.
  • Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States are the other members of the G20.
  • The G-20 works to advance international commerce, financial market regulation, and overall economic growth.
  • Although it is not a legislative body, its deliberations impact the monetary policies of all its members.
  • G20 is the foremost forum for global economic cooperation because its members collectively represent 85% of the world’s GDP, 75% of its trade, and 2/3 of its population.
  • The G20 currently comprises of Finance Track with 8 work streams, Sherpa Track with 12 work streams and 10 Engagement Groups of private sector/civil society/independent bodies.
Need of the hour

According to estimates, the total mitigating impact of all 2030 objectives would result in warming of 2.4°C, with present policies expected to result in a 2.7°C world by 2100. This emphasizes how critical it is for G20 nations to enhance their present climate policies, step up implementation, and submit more aggressive 2030 objectives that are consistent with net zero ambitions for the mid-century.

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