Anna Bhagya 2.0 scheme
Source : The Hindu
GS II : Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate
- About the Scheme
Why in News ?
Food Corporation of India (FCI) recently rejected various States’ demands to reconsider the decision to restrict purchase through the Open Market Sale Scheme (OMSS), which is going against Karnataka’s Anna Bhagya 2.0 scheme.
- State governments had alleged that such a move was against the interest of the poor.
Key Facts
Anna Bhagya 2.0 scheme
- It is Karnataka’s food security program that provides subsidized rice to poor families in the state.
Photo by Polina Rytova on Unsplash - The scheme aims to alleviate poverty in the region by providing poor families with access to subsidized rice.
- This will help to reduce the cost of living for these families and can help to improve their food security.
What is the Open Market Sale Scheme (OMSS)?
- OMSS refers to the selling of food grains by the government/government agencies at predetermined prices in the open market from time to time.
- Food Corporation of India sells surplus stocks of wheat and rice under Open Market Sale Scheme (Domestic) at pre-determined prices through e-auction in the open market from time to time to enhance the supply of food grains.
What is FCIs argument?
- The FCI had said the States’ schemes cater to the same set of beneficiaries covered under the Prime Minister’s Garib Kalyan Anna Yojna and to curb the inflation
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