South Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organization (SARADO)

Source : PIB

GS II : Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate


  1. News in Brief
  2. Details of MoU
  3. About NADA
  4. About South Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organization (SARADO)
  5. World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

Why in News ?

At the NADA India-SARADO Cooperation Meeting, SARADO, which consists of anti-doping organisations from Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, and NADA India, inked an agreement.

News in Brief

  • Highlighted India’s expanding involvement and accomplishments in the world of international sport.
  • Additionally, it is eager to assume responsibility for advancing clean sport initiatives and making a contribution to the worldwide anti-doping campaign.
  • A greater emphasis is being placed on top-notch instruction, accessible and upgraded athletic facilities, and expanding chances for all sports through contests and boot camps.
  • India’s intention and goal to contribute to the global growth of sports are clearly reflected in its mainstreaming of initiatives to promote gender equality in sports.
  • In order to close the gap between the global north and south, India is serving as a bridge.

Details of MoU

Source : PIB

The MoU, through the project plan and areas of cooperation, aims to fulfill the following objectives over a period of three years:

  • Developing an anti-doping education & prevention program in South Asia;
  • Training & upskilling sample collection personnel, educators & other anti-doping education officers;
  • Organizing courses, seminars, workshops, research & exchange tours on anti-doping education & prevention;
  • Facilitating exchange of education officers, program managers, trainers, teachers and specialists on anti-doping education & prevention;
  • Supporting anti-doping education activities and exchanging services of experts; 
  • Producing anti-doping education literature;

About NADA

  • It was founded by the Indian government with the intention of serving as India’s autonomous anti-doping organisation with a focus on drug-free sports.
  • On November 5, 2005, it was established as a registered society under the Societies Registration Act of 1860.
  • The following are the main responsibilities of NADA:
    • Put the Anti-Doping Code into action and ensure that all national sports organisations comply.
    • Organise a drug testing programme with all involved parties.
    • Advance anti-doping research and teaching in order to instill the importance of drug-free sports.
    • Using best practise guidelines and quality control measures will help the programme be implemented successfully and continually improved.

About South Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organization (SARADO)

  • It was established on May 16, 2007, during a project development meeting for the South Asian Anti-Doping Programme that was held in the Maldives.
  • Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka are all members.
  • Mission: To coordinate efforts among South Asia RADO member nations to combat doping in sports in all of its manifestations.
  • SARADO works to fulfill the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Code and to promote doping-free sport in participating countries.
  • Participants agreed that the establishment of a Regional Anti-Doping Organization will provide the ability for countries within South Asia to pool resources to support the Regional Anti-Doping Organization.
  • Participating member nations agreed to the proposal and unanimously voted to give the RADO office for the Maldives.

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

  • The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is a global, independent organisation that was established in 1999 with the mission of promoting, coordinating, and supervising the war against doping in sports in all of its manifestations.
  • Composed of and supported equally by international governments and the sports movement.
  • The World Anti-Doping Code (Code), a document that unifies anti-doping regulations across all sports and nations, was created and put into effect under the coordination of WADA.

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