Recent Tiger Estimates: International Tiger Day 2023
Source: Indian Express
GS III: Environment
- News in Brief
- About International Tiger Day 2023
- India’s performance in Tiger conservation
Why in News ?
July 29 is celebrated world over as the International Tiger Day.
- It aims to raise awareness on various issues surrounding tiger conservation.
About International Tiger Day 2023
- Global Tiger Day is celebrated every year on July 29th.
- To raise awareness about this magnificent but endangered big cat.
- The day was founded in 2010.
- The 13 tiger range countries came together to create Tx2 – the global goal to double the number of wild tigers by the year 2022.
Performance of Tiger conservation efforts
- 2022 was the date for achieving the goals of Tx2.
- But the conservation effort have an uneven progress.
- As per the World Wildlife Fund, Southeast Asia struggled to control population decline.
- At the same time countries like India performed well in the conservation effort.
Recent Tiger Estimates scenario of Tiger Population
- By around 2016 halfway of the goal achieved.
- Bhutan: Conducted its first ever national tiger survey and released the result 103 wild tigers.
Photo by Rohit Khilnani on Unsplash - Nepal: Conducted in Bardia National Park in the Terai Arc Landscape of Nepal were released showing an increase in tiger numbers.
- Indonesia: As of 2022 there are estimated to be less than 400 Sumatran tigers in the wild, worldwide.
- Malaysia: Tigers are critically endangered, with as few as 250 remaining.
- India: Home to over half of the world’s wild tigers an estimated 3,167.
- Cambodia: Since 2007, there has been no sign of tigers in Cambodia.
- China: They are only now found in captivity in China, Even in captivity, only 100 are left.
- Taiwan: As well as the government-sponsored tiger refuge maintained by the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan is home to three zoos with a total of 54 tigers.
- Thailand: There are known to be at least 189 tigers in Thailand.
- Vietnam: They have not been photographed by camera traps since 1997.
- Laos: Old reports of government shows 17 tigers in the region.
- Russia: Populations had increased to between 480 and 540 tigers.
- Myanmar: Tiger still exist in the region with no exact figure.
India’s performance in Tiger conservation
- As compared to tiger conservation among the 13 tiger range country India performing with increasing tiger population.
- Tiger population in India increased from 1411 in 2006 to 3682 2022.
- Maximum tigers in Madhya Pradesh at 785 followed by Karnataka, Uttarakhand (560) and Maharashtra (444).
- The success of the conservation effort under Project Tiger completed 50 years.
- There are 54 tiger reserves across India, spanning 75,000 sq km.
India’s Plan: The goal would be to have a viable and sustainable tiger population in tiger habitats based on a scientifically calculated carrying capacity.
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