Advocates (Amendment) Bill 2023
Source: PRSIndia
GS II: Governance
- Key Provision
Why in News?
The Advocates (Amendment) Bill, 2023 which attempts to regulate the legal profession through a single Act and intends to combat touts, was approved by the Rajya Sabha.
News in Brief
- The statement of goals and reasons for the law states that the amendment will assist in regulating the legal profession under a single Act, the Advocates Act of 1961.
- The legal profession any unlawful practices should be dealt with firmly.
Key Provision
- Illegal Practice
- According to the Bill, every High Court, district judge, sessions judge, district magistrate, and revenue officer (under the level of a
Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay district collector) is allowed to create and publish lists of touts.
- A tout is someone who
- Either seeks to get or actually obtains the job of a legal practitioner in a legal company in exchange for any payment
- Often visits locations such as the courthouses for civil or criminal cases, tax offices, or train stations in order to obtain such employment.
- Any individual whose name is on the list of touts may be barred from the court’s grounds by the judge or the court.
- According to the Bill, every High Court, district judge, sessions judge, district magistrate, and revenue officer (under the level of a
- List of touts
- Authorities with the authority to create and distribute the list of touts may direct subordinate courts to launch an investigation into the behavior of individuals who are allegedly or undoubtedly touts.
- When such a person is established to be a tout, the authorities may add his name to the list of touts.
- No one shall be placed on such a list without being given the chance to object and provide justification.
- Penalty
- Anyone whose name appears on the list of touts and who engages in touting will be penalised
- Penalty with up to three months in prison, a fine of up to Rs 500, or both.
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