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Sub-Mission on Agro forestry (SMAF)

Source: PIB
GS III: Major crops cropping patterns in various parts of the country, different types of irrigation and irrigation systems storage, transport and marketing of agricultural produce and issues and related constraints; e-technology in the aid of farmers


  1. Features of Restructured Agroforestry Scheme
  2. About Sub-Mission on Agro forestry (SMAF)
  3. What is agroforestry?

Why in News?

The erstwhile Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Sub-Mission on Agro forestry (SMAF) has now been restructured with focus on Quality Planting Material as an Agroforestry component to be implemented as one of the components of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) with an indicative outlay of Rs. 271.65 crore (GoI Share) for the 15th Finance Commission period i.e. 2021-22 to 2025-26 with special focus on production of certified Quality Planting Material (QPM).

Features of Restructured Agroforestry Scheme

  • ICAR-Central Agro forestry Research Institute (CAFRI) is the nodal agency for providing technical support, capacity building, setting up of nurseries, production, and certification of QPM etc.
  • CAFRI shall extend support through its All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) centers on agroforestry situated at various locations around the country.
  • For the implementation of the scheme State Nodal Department/Agency shall be identified for each State/UTs.
  • The Nodal Department/Agency shall ensure the availability of QPM by producing on its own or through the collaborative arrangement with individuals/institutions such as SAUs, KVKs, FPOs, SHGs, NGOs, Entrepreneurs/Startups, Forest/Agriculture institutes, farmers/cooperative societies etc.
  • QMP raised under the scheme shall be made available for farmers/SHGs free of cost or as decided by the respective States/UTs.

The scheme will have the following major components/ activities;

  • Establishment of Nurseries for Production of QPM
  • Tissue culture lab for quality planting material
  • Skill Development and awareness campaign (up to 5% of allocation):
  • Research & Development, Market linking:
  • Project Management Unit (PMU) and Agroforestry Technical Support Group (TSG)
  • Local Initiative (upto 2 % of Approved Annual Plan)

About Sub-Mission on Agro forestry (SMAF)

  • It is well recognised that agroforestry has the ability to reduce the consequences of climate change by regulating microclimate, conserving natural resources, and creating alternative sources of livelihood and economic possibilities.
  • The National Agroforestry Policy was created by the Indian government in 2014 to reduce the vulnerability of agriculture to climate anomalies.
  • The policy suggests creating a Mission or Board to organise the growth of the agroforestry industry.
  • An effort towards this goal is the Sub-Mission on Agroforestry (SMAF) under NMSA.
  • The purpose of the proposal is to increase the amount of trees on fields to support agricultural crops.

What are the objectives of the Sub-Mission on Agro forestry (SMAF)?

  • To promote and increase tree planting in a complementary and integrated way with cattle, crops, and other land uses inSub-Mission on Agro forestry (SMAF) order to improve the productivity, job prospects, income production, and way of life of rural households, particularly small farmers.
    must make certain that high-quality planting materials, including as seeds, seedlings, clones, hybrids, enhanced varieties, etc., are readily available.
  • To spread awareness of diverse agroforestry techniques/models that are appropriate for varied agro-ecological zones and topographies.
  • To build a database and provide information and assistance for expertise in the field of agroforestry.
  • To aid the agroforestry industry in capacity building and extension.


  • Funding pattern 60:40 as GoI: State Govts basis for all states excepting for 8 states of NE Region.
  • Farmers would get financial help in the amount of 50% of the interventions’ real cost.
  • Farmers groups, cooperatives, and Farmer Producers Organisations (FPO) can also benefit from the project, however access to the aid is subject to rules and regulations.
  • Small and Marginal Farmers: At least 50% of the allocation is to be utilized in which 30% are women beneficiaries/ farmers.
  • SC/ST allocation: 16% & 8% of the total allocation or in proportion of SC/ST population in the district.

What is agroforestry?

  • Agroforestry is a sustainable land management approach that involves the integration of trees, shrubs, and other perennial plants with crops and/or livestock on the same piece of land.
  • It is a holistic and environmentally friendly practice that combines elements of agriculture and forestry to achieve multiple benefits.
  • Agroforestry systems are designed to optimize productivity, conserve natural resources, and enhance ecosystem services.

Key Aspects of Agroforestry:

  • Integration of Trees and Crops/Livestock: Agroforestry involves deliberately planting and managing trees alongside agricultural crops or livestock. These components interact in ways that enhance the overall productivity of the system.
  • Diverse Arrangements: Agroforestry systems can take various forms, such as alley cropping (planting rows of trees between crop rows), silvopasture (integrating trees with livestock grazing), and forest farming (combining crops and trees under a forest canopy).
  • Benefits to Ecosystem and Environment:
    • Soil Conservation: Tree roots help prevent soil erosion and improve soil structure, reducing the loss of fertile topsoil.
    • Biodiversity: Agroforestry systems provide habitats for various plant and animal species, promoting biodiversity.
    • Carbon Sequestration: Trees in agroforestry systems capture and store carbon dioxide, contributing to climate change mitigation.
    • Water Management: Trees help regulate water flow, reducing runoff and improving water quality.
  • Enhanced Productivity:
    • Increased Crop Yields: Trees can provide shade, reducing heat stress on crops and improving yields.
    • Livestock Benefits: Trees offer shade, shelter, and forage for livestock, enhancing their health and productivity.
  • Nutrient Cycling: Trees and plants in agroforestry systems can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and make it available to crops, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.
  • Economic Benefits: Agroforestry systems can diversify income sources for farmers by producing timber, fruits, nuts, and other marketable products.

Examples of Agroforestry Practices:

  • Taungya System: In this system, tree planting is combined with shifting agriculture. Farmers plant crops between young trees, and as the trees grow, they provide shade for the crops.
  • Homegardens: Small-scale agroforestry systems where trees, crops, and livestock are integrated around homes. They provide food security, nutrition, and income to families.
  • Windbreaks and Shelterbelts: Rows of trees are planted to protect crops and livestock from wind, thereby reducing evaporation, wind erosion, and damage to crops.
  • Multi-Strata Agroforestry: Several layers of vegetation, including tall trees, small trees, shrubs, and ground cover, are integrated to maximize resource use and benefits.

Significance and Challenges:

Agroforestry holds immense significance for sustainable development and rural livelihoods:

  • Sustainable Agriculture: Agroforestry promotes ecologically sound farming practices and enhances agricultural sustainability.
  • Climate Resilience: Trees in agroforestry systems can provide shade and reduce temperature extremes, mitigating the impact of climate change.
  • Rural Livelihoods: Agroforestry diversifies income sources, reduces risks, and enhances the economic resilience of rural communities.


  • Agroforestry is a versatile and environmentally friendly approach that showcases the potential for harmonizing agricultural productivity and ecosystem services.
  • By integrating trees with crops and livestock, agroforestry systems offer a holistic solution for sustainable land use, soil conservation, biodiversity enhancement, and rural development.
  • Its adoption can contribute significantly to achieving the goals of sustainable agriculture and ensuring food security while protecting natural resources and the environment.

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