Fraternity in Indian Constitution
Source: The Hindu
GS II: Indian Constitution

- News in Brief
- What is the concept of Fraternity?
- Challenges to fraternity in India?
Why in News?
Fraternity in India is different from the idea enshrined in the Constitution.
- Common brotherhood among all Indians, against the disruptive forces of regionalism, communalism, and linguism according to Ambedkar
What is the concept of Fraternity?
- Despite its complex history, the idea has been about the liberation and empowerment of the people since Plato.
- Along with the concepts of liberty and equality, it continues to be an important pillar of liberal political thought despite neglect.
- Following India’s war for independence, constitutional democracy emerged, demonstrating the importance of liberty, equality, and fraternity in order for a complex society to become a sovereign republic.
- The relevance of fraternity in a divided society based on hierarchical social disparities was emphasized by Ambedkar and other Constitutional Framers as they emphasized the interdependence of the three ideals.
- Despite its significant political support, it is a constitutional virtue that receives the least attention in the intellectual and political spheres.
- The political brotherhood promoted in the Constitution differs from the fraternity that exists now in India.
Fraternity Enshrined in the Constitution
- Directive Principles of State Policy Article 38
- The state shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and protecting a social order that fosters fraternity among the citizens.
- Fundamental Duties Article 51A(e)
- The duty of every citizen to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood among all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic, and regional diversities.
Challenges to fraternity in India?
- Caste-Based Discrimination
- The caste system remains a deeply ingrained social structure in India. Discrimination and social exclusion based on caste continue to exist, particularly in rural areas.
- This hampers the development of a sense of fraternity among citizens.
- Religious Divisions
- India is a religiously diverse country with multiple faiths and communities.
- Communal tensions, religious discrimination, and occasional outbreaks of violence based on religion can undermine fraternity and social harmony.
- Ethnic and Regional Divisions
- India’s linguistic, ethnic, and regional diversity can sometimes lead to regionalism and ethnocentrism, with people identifying more with their regional or ethnic group than with the nation as a whole.
- Economic Disparities
- Economic inequality and disparities in wealth and opportunities can create divisions in society.
- When some sections of society are marginalized or left behind economically, it can erode the sense of fraternity.
- Political Polarization
- Political polarization along ideological lines can foster divisiveness in society.
- It can lead to a “we versus them” mentality, making it challenging to build a cohesive and united nation.
- Communalism and Extremism
- The rise of extremist ideologies, both religious and political, can promote hatred and intolerance, which directly undermines the spirit of fraternity.
- Language and Cultural Differences
- Differences in language and culture can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and tensions, particularly in multilingual and multicultural regions.
- Lack of Education and Awareness
- Lack of education and awareness about the importance of fraternity and the principles of the Constitution can hinder its realization.
- Education plays a crucial role in promoting social cohesion.
- Social Exclusion
- Certain groups, such as Dalits, tribal communities, and religious minorities, may experience social exclusion and discrimination, limiting their full participation in society and undermining fraternity.
- Media and Social Media
- The misuse of media and social media platforms to spread hate speech and promote divisive narratives can exacerbate social tensions and weaken fraternity.
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