Self Declaration of Freedom from Avian Influenza
Source: PIB
GS II: Health

- News in Brief
- About Compartmentalization
- Avian Influenza
Why in the News?
In a significant development for India’s poultry industry, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) has approved India’s self-declaration of freedom from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in specific poultry compartments.
- This achievement is a testament to India’s commitment to maintaining high standards of animal health and biosecurity.
News in Brief
- The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India, has submitted a self-declaration of freedom from High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza in 26 poultry compartments to the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).
- On October 13, 2023, the self-declaration was approved by WOAH.
- This declaration is now publicly available on the WOAH.
- These poultry compartments are located in four states of India, namely Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh.
- This recognition by WOAH signifies India’s commitment to international biosecurity standards and will enhance the export potential of Indian poultry and poultry products, including meat and eggs.
- India, as the third-largest producer of eggs (129.60 billion) and the fifth-largest producer of poultry meat (4.47 million tonnes) globally, is poised to capitalize on this achievement.
- During the 2022-23 fiscal year, India exported poultry and poultry products to 64 countries, generating revenue of 134 million USD.
- The approval of this self-declaration is expected to open up new opportunities for Indian poultry in the global market, contributing to the country’s economic growth.
About Compartmentalization
- Zoning and compartmentalization are strategic tools used to establish and maintain groups of animals with specific health statuses for the purposes of international trade and disease prevention or control.
- Compartmentalization involves defining a sub-population of animals with a specified health status within the national territory.
- The maintenance of this status relies on stringent management and farming practices that adhere to the standards outlined in the WOAH Terrestrial Code (Chapters 4.4 and 4.5) and recommendations related to specific disease chapters.
- India has established to mitigate the risks associated with Avian Influenza by adopting the concept of poultry compartmentalization.
- Compartmentalization enhances animal health and reduces the risk of disease outbreaks within and outside the compartment.
Avian Influenza
- Avian influenza, also known as bird flu.
- It is a viral infection that primarily affects birds.
- It is caused by the influenza A virus and can be classified into two types based on their pathogenicity
- High pathogenicity (HP)
- Low pathogenicity (LP)
- The type with the greatest risk is highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).
Human Transmission
- It can be transmitted when a person has close contact with birds affected by the virus or from their secretions or excretions.
- The transmission from birds to humans happens rarely.
- Symptoms
- Mild conjunctivitis to severe respiratory illness and even death
- This is the well-known strain of the virus.
- According to WHO report 700 human cases reported from 15 countries.
- No specific treatment.
- In some cases vaccines are available.
Avian Influenza in India
- First detected in India in the state of Maharashtra in February 2006.
- There have been many outbreaks since then.
- The disease has been reported in 24 states and union territories, resulting in the culling of over 9 million birds to control its spread.
- India’s approach to controlling HPAI follows a detect and cull policy as outlined in the National Action Plan for Prevention, Control, and Containment of Avian Influenza (revised – 2021).
- This comprehensive response includes the humane destruction of infected and exposed animals, eggs, feed, litter, and other contaminated materials.
- Additionally, measures such as restricting the movement of poultry and poultry products, disinfection and clean-up of infected premises, and a Post-Operative Surveillance Plan (POSP) have been implemented.
- It’s important to note that vaccination against HPAI is not permitted in India.
World Organisation for Animal Health
- The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) is an intergovernmental organization.
- It was founded in 1924 to improve animal health worldwide.
- It is recognized as a reference organization by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and has 182 member countries
- The OIE’s mission is to ensure transparency in the global animal disease situation, to collect, analyze, and disseminate scientific veterinary information
- Provide expertise and to encourage international solidarity in the control of animal diseases.
- The OIE’s activities include developing and publishing international standards for animal health and welfare, providing technical assistance to member countries, and coordinating global efforts to control and eradicate animal diseases.
- The organization also works closely with other international organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to promote a One Health approach to global health.
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