Zero Discharge System

Source: The Hindu
GS III: Environment


Zero Discharge System
Photo by Patrick Federi on Unsplash
  1. News in Brief
  2. What is zero liquid discharge (ZLD)?
  3. Application of ZLD

Why in the News?

The southern bench of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has noted that petrochemical firms in the Manali industrial area have not yet studied the feasibility of introducing Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) systems to prevent marine pollution.

News in Brief

  • In its final order in a case against Manali Petrochemicals Ltd., Tamilnadu Petrochemicals Ltd., and Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd, the Tribunal had ordered the companies to pay an interim environmental compensation of 2 crore, 1 crore and 10 lakh each respectively.
  • Engage the National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai, and NEERI to conduct a study regarding the feasibility of introducing ZLD systems.
  • The compliance report filed by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board is silent about the companies appointing a consultancy to analyse the feasibility of introducing ZLD.
What is zero liquid discharge (ZLD)?

  • Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is a wastewater treatment process.
  • The process involves recovering and treating all wastewater for reuse.
  • Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) is a wastewater management approach that aims to reduce water consumption and minimize the environmental impact of industrial processes.
  • However, achieving ZLD is not an easy task, as the concentration of contaminants in wastewater increases gradually, making the treatment process more challenging and expensive.
  • Contaminants such as salinity, scaling compounds, and organic matter can lead to a build-up of concentration levels.
  • It can cause difficulties in managing and treating wastewater.
  • The costs associated with the treatment of such high-concentration wastewater can be significant and can add to the operational costs of the business.
  • To achieve ZLD, a combination of advanced water treatment technologies is used that can effectively treat wastewater, even as the contaminants become more concentrated.
  • This includes a range of processes such as evaporation, crystallization, and membrane filtration, which can remove the contaminants and produce clean, reusable water.
What are the advantages of Zero Liquid Discharge?
  • Treated water can be reused.
  • Safe disposal of dry solid waste.
  • Recovery of salts, minerals and chemicals from the dry wastes. 
Application of ZLD

  • Waste Water Treatment in various industrial sectors like  Poweplants, Refineries, Textile, and Chemical industries.
  • Also can be used in urban areas like Municipal Wastewater Treatment.

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