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Green Energy Corridor Phase-II

Source: PIB
GS III: Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways etc


Green Energy Corridor Phase-II
Image by Muhammad Abdullah from Pixabay
  1. News in Brief
  2. About Green Energy Corridor (GEC) Phase-II

Why in the News?

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the project on Green Energy Corridor (GEC) Phase-II – Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS) for 13 GW Renewable Energy Project in Ladakh.

News in Brief

  • The Prime Minister, during his Independence Day Speech, announced the setting up of a 7.5 GW Solar Park in Ladakh.
  • After an extensive field survey, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) prepared a plan to set up a 13 GW Renewable Energy (RE) generation capacity along with a 12 GWh Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in Pang, Ladakh.
  • To evacuate this huge quantum of power, it will be necessary to create an inter-state transmission infrastructure.
About Green Energy Corridor (GEC) Phase-II

  • The project is targeted to be set up by FY 2029-30.
  • The total estimated cost of Rs.20,773.70 crore and Central Financial Assistance (CFA) at 40 per cent of the project cost i.e. Rs.8,309.48 crore.
  • Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID) will be the Implementing Agency for this project.
  • The project will contribute to achieving the target of 500 GW of installed electricity capacity from non-fossil fuels by year 2030.
  • The project will also help in developing the long-term energy security of the country and promote ecologically sustainable growth by reducing carbon footprint.
  • It will generate large direct & indirect employment opportunities for both skilled and unskilled personnel in power and other related sectors, especially in the Ladakh region.
  • This project is in addition to Intra-State Transmission System Green Energy Corridor Phase-II (InSTS GEC-II), which is already under implementation in the States of Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh.
  • It is expected to be completed by 2026.
  • The InSTS GEC-II scheme targets the addition of 10753 ckm of transmission lines and 27546 MVA capacity of substations having an estimated project cost of Rs.12,031.33 crore and CFA @33%, i.e. Rs.3970.34 crore.

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