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Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India Scheme

Source: Deccan Herald
GS II: Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources


Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India Scheme
Image by freepik
  1. News in Brief
  2. About PM-SHRI scheme

Why in the News?

Recently Union government has stopped funds of Punjab, West Bengal, and Delhi under Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), as the three states have refused participation in the PM-SHRI scheme.

News in Brief

  • After Punjab, West Bengal, and Delhi refused participation in the Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India (PM-SHRI) scheme, the Education Ministry has stopped funds to the three states under Centre’s flagship Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)— a school education programme.
  • Two states— Tamil Nadu and Kerala have however expressed their willingness to be part of PM-SHRI.
  • What is the reason?
    • Refused to do so alleging they are yet to receive third and fourth installments of SSA funds for the last year’s October-December and January-March period.
    • The three states have further alleged that they have also not received the funds for the current financial year’s April-June quarter.
    • Delhi is yet to receive Rs 330 crore, Punjab and West Bengal await Rs 515 crore and Rs 1,000 crore.
About Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India Scheme

Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India (PM SHRI) scheme—a significant initiative aimed at transforming and upgrading schools across the country.

  • What is PM SHRI?
    • The PM SHRI (Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India) scheme is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme launched by the Indian government.
    • Its primary objective is to upgrade and develop around 14,500 schools across India.
  • Selection Criteria
    • These schools are selected from among those managed by various authorities:
      • Central Government
      • State Governments
      • Union Territories
      • Local Bodies
  • Vision and Purpose
    • PM SHRI schools are envisioned to become model schools that embody the spirit of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
    • Over time, they will serve as exemplars, showcasing best practices in education.
    • These schools will offer leadership to other schools in their neighborhoods, promoting high-quality education.
  • Key Features
    • Equity and Inclusion: PM SHRI schools aim to provide equitable and inclusive education. They consider the diverse backgrounds, multilingual needs, and varying academic abilities of children.
    • Joyful Learning Environment: The focus is on creating a positive and joyful school atmosphere where students actively participate in their own learning process.
    • Benchmarking: The scheme sets benchmarks for quality education, and these schools are expected to maintain those standards.
  • Implementation and Duration
    • The scheme is proposed to run from 2022-23 to 2026-27.
    • During this period, the government will strengthen existing schools to meet the PM SHRI criteria.
    • After the scheme’s duration, it becomes the responsibility of States/UTs to sustain the achievements of these schools.
  • Expected Impact
    • More than 20 lakh students are expected to directly benefit from the PM SHRI scheme.
    • The total cost of the project is Rs 27,360 crore, spread over five years, with the central share being Rs 18,128 crore.

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