Current Affairs 14 May 2021 – IAS Current Affairs

Current Affairs 14 May 2021  focuses on Prelims-Mains perspective. Major events are :

  1. Global Remittance World Bank Report
  2. Red-Eared Slider Turtle

Global Remittance World Bank Report

Source : Indian Express
GS II :Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate

Why in News ?

According to Global Remittance World Bank Report India received over USD83 billion in remittances in 2020

  • A drop of just 0.2 per cent from the previous year
  • Reason : COVID pandemic that devastated the world economy.

Migration and Development Brief : It is report to provide an update on key developments in the area of migration and remittance flows.

Key Facts

  • Indian Remittances
    • India’s remittances fell by just 0.2 per cent in 2020, with much of the decline due to a 17 per cent drop in remittances from the United Arab Emirates.
    • Remittances outflow from India in 2020 was USD7 billion, against USD7.5 billion in 2019
  • About Remittances across Globe
    • China, which received USD 59.5 billion in remittances in 2020 against USD 68.3 billion the previous year.
    • India and China are followed by Mexico (USD42.8 billion), the Philippines (USD34.9 billion), Egypt (USD29.6 billion), Pakistan (USD26 billion), France (USD24.4 billion) and Bangladesh (USD21 billion)
    • Pakistan, remittances rose by about 17 per cent, with the biggest growth coming from Saudi Arabia, followed by the European Union countries and the United Arab Emirates.
    • Bangladesh, remittances also showed a brisk uptick in 2020 (18.4 per cent), and Sri Lanka witnessed remittance growth of 5.8 per cent.
    • Nepal fell by about two per cent, reflecting a 17 per cent decline in the first quarter of 2020.
    • Remittance outflow was the maximum from the United States (USD68 billion), followed by UAE (USD43 billion), Saudi Arabia (USD34.5 billion), Switzerland (USD27.9 billion), Germany (USD22 billion), and China (USD18 billion).

What the Report Says ?

  • Remittance flows remained resilient in 2020, registering a smaller decline than previously projected.
  • Supportive policy responses, together with national social protection systems, should continue to be inclusive of all communities, including migrants.
  • The World Bank has been monitoring migration and remittance flows for nearly two decades.
  • What need to be done : Supportive policy responses, together with national social protection systems, should continue to be inclusive of all communities, including migrants.

Red-Eared Slider Turtle

Source : The Hindu
GS III : Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment

Why in News ?

American turtle is threatening to invade the natural water bodies across the Northeast. The region is is home to 21 of the 29 vulnerable native Indian species of freshwater turtles and tortoises.

  • Red-Eared Slider Turtle popular as pet.

Key Facts

  • Recently various studies by NGO and Government agencies shows evidents for turtles pose a threat.
  • The red-eared  slider scientifically namaed as Trachemys scripta elegans
  • They had derives its name from red stripes around the part its ears and it had its ability to slide quickly off.
  • Native to the U.S. and northern Mexico, this turtle is an extremely popular pet.
  • What is the threat ?
    • They grow fast and virtually leave nothing for the native species to eat.
  • The red-eared  slider has already affects States such as Karnataka and Gujarat, where it has been found in 33  natural water bodies.
  • It is much important to stop its spread in the Brahmaputra and other river ecosystems in the Northeast is crucial because the Northeast is home to more than 72% of the turtle and tortoise species in the country, all of them very rare.
  • Keeping it as a pet
    • Keep it as pets become sensitive about turtle conservation.
    • But this conservation endanger the local ecosystem.
    • In fact unknowingly releasing them in natural water bodies after they outgrow an aquarium, tank or pool at home leads to threat to other species.

What is an invasive species ?

  • Any organism cause several negative impacts to their local ecosystem and environment such as affecting native biodiversity, causing economic losses and harming human health.
  • Simply species that grow and reproduce quickly, and spread aggressively, with potential to cause harm, are given the label invasive.
  • How they Spread ?
    • primarily spread by human activities.
    • some invasive species are intentionally or accidentally released pets.
    • higher average temperatures and changes in rain and snow patterns caused by climate change will enable some invasive plant species.
  • Examples are Burmese pythons, Lantana plants etc.
  • Direct threat to the native wildlife are
    • Preying on native species
    • Outcompeting native species for food
    • Causing or carrying disease
    • Preventing native species from reproducing

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